Also,you can find a cal mag product with very low/no N in it...are you able to check the ppm? Coco needs to be watered more often,daily would be ideal,the roots need the oxygen refreshed,some growers in coco feed multiple times per day..

Cool stuff thanks for the info mate! I'm ph-ing the water to 6.5. I'm using Cana a b for growth and buddhas tree pk 9-18
Cool stuff thanks for the info mate! I'm ph-ing the water to 6.5. I'm using Cana a b for growth and buddhas tree pk 9-18
How are you verifying the pH,and you are checking it after the nutes are mixed in right??
Also,you can find a cal mag product with very low/no N in it...are you able to check the ppm? Coco needs to be watered more often,daily would be ideal,the roots need the oxygen refreshed,some growers in coco feed multiple times per day..

With regards to feeding daily should I feed one day with nutes and One day with plain water?
With regards to feeding daily should I feed one day with nutes and One day with plain water?
Noooooo,never water coco with straight water..what would be ideal is,drop the ppm a bit and feed( with nutes) every day..the coco is an inert media that holds no nutes( at least compared to soil) and should be nute/watered every time..some are on auto drippers that feed multiple times per u have a ppm and pH meter?
Another really good idea is to find the thread with the tang feed schedule and use that,it uses AN pH perfect line and you wont have to get the meters,they are good to have and will teach you a lot..ur doing very good tho,ive had my issues with plants too,its part of learning..
Hey Luke. I've had a DP Durban Poison do that same exact stringy bud thing. It hermied on me, I believe from leaving a window open, overnight in the cold winter. Temps dropped to 45° and shocked her. It was full of immature seeds.
It still got me high, but ugly and dries wicked fast
Noooooo,never water coco with straight water..what would be ideal is,drop the ppm a bit and feed( with nutes) every day..the coco is an inert media that holds no nutes( at least compared to soil) and should be nute/watered every time..some are on auto drippers that feed multiple times per u have a ppm and pH meter?
I do have a ph meter. That's how I've been adjusting my feed to reach 6.5. So a daily feed it it then! Thanks mate your a star
Hey Luke. I've had a DP Durban Poison do that same exact stringy bud thing. It hermied on me, I believe from leaving a window open, overnight in the cold winter. Temps dropped to 45° and shocked her. It was full of immature seeds.
It still got me high, but ugly and dries wicked fast
That sucks man. Did u pull much weight off it?
I do have a ph meter. That's how I've been adjusting my feed to reach 6.5. So a daily feed it it then! Thanks mate your a star
Good deal..get the pH to about 5.8 and this will help the roots absorb the nutes better...we do have an interview this Friday with Cindy from Bluelab meters if you would like any info on meters/functions..