@budelee the fabulous @Eyeoftheworld has pointed me in your direction. Hope u can help. I am starting to think however that I may be worrying about nothin. Please take a look at the port above.

Hmm,i took the shortcut to your grow from your link and ended up on page 18,is this the same plant that was drooping?? The super skunk look to be developing pretty good or id instantly think heat was an issue,there could be some root issues that were causing the drooping problems and in turn issues with bud development...let me do some catching up on your journal to see if i can offer some advice...
Hmm,i took the shortcut to your grow from your link and ended up on page 18,is this the same plant that was drooping?? The super skunk look to be developing pretty good or id instantly think heat was an issue,there could be some root issues that were causing the drooping problems and in turn issues with bud development...let me do some catching up on your journal to see if i can offer some advice...

No the plant that was dropping is the big ass one. I did have heat issues at the very start of the grow but I fixed this quite quickly. Plus it's he other super skunk looks much different
No the plant that was dropping is the big ass one. I did have heat issues at the very start of the grow but I fixed this quite quickly. Plus it's he other super skunk looks much different
Okay,sorry dude,i hadda stop for dinner,let me do some backreading and ill see if anything jumps out at me
Nice one!!! Thank u bud!!!
Hey bro,ive been 10 pages back and i cant find any details about your grow!!! Lets start with the basics,give me an idea of the setup incuding ppm of the feeds,temps,pH of the feed,frequency,is there aur circuation,whats the light schedule,the media,i did see where you added N for the weak branches,in flower try and cut out as much N as possible,it could have been sent back in to a veg state with too much and to frequent N in flower,this would account for the buds not forming and looking real "stringy"..lets get some info together and if we cant correct this plant,we will at least have a better idea for next time,,i visit my plants daily,and while i dont write down the info everyday anymore,i did when i first started because you have to know if something is working or not and how to fix/adjust...tag me in tomorrow and ill have a look at the info...peace
Hey bro,ive been 10 pages back and i cant find any details about your grow!!! Lets start with the basics,give me an idea of the setup incuding ppm of the feeds,temps,pH of the feed,frequency,is there aur circuation,whats the light schedule,the media,i did see where you added N for the weak branches,in flower try and cut out as much N as possible,it could have been sent back in to a veg state with too much and to frequent N in flower,this would account for the buds not forming and looking real "stringy"..lets get some info together and if we cant correct this plant,we will at least have a better idea for next time,,i visit my plants daily,and while i dont write down the info everyday anymore,i did when i first started because you have to know if something is working or not and how to fix/adjust...tag me in tomorrow and ill have a look at the info...peace

Thanks for taking the time to look @budelee. The details are here somewhere but I admit the thread is a bit of a mess.
Ok, here goes:
I'm growing in a 1.2x1.2x2 meter tent under a 600w hps.
Lighting schedule- 18/6
I have an extraction fan with filter and an intake fan that's sucking in fresh air from outside.
Feed frequency- every three days,sometimes every two of the pots seem dry.
Grown in coco with perlite mix
The circulation in the tent is really good. The air exchange between the two fans has brought down the temp a lot from the start of the grow.
The current temp ranges from 22c to 26c.

Thanks mate and hope this info helps!!!

PS. The branches were looking stringy before I re-introduced N but they don't look so bad now since I've cut it back out and trimmed the fan leaves of her. Do u think I should cut out the calmag? Because there nitrogen in it?
Thanks for taking the time to look @budelee. The details are here somewhere but I admit the thread is a bit of a mess.
Ok, here goes:
I'm growing in a 1.2x1.2x2 meter tent under a 600w hps.
Lighting schedule- 18/6
I have an extraction fan with filter and an intake fan that's sucking in fresh air from outside.
Feed frequency- every three days,sometimes every two of the pots seem dry.
Grown in coco with perlite mix
The circulation in the tent is really good. The air exchange between the two fans has brought down the temp a lot from the start of the grow.
The current temp ranges from 22c to 26c.

Thanks mate and hope this info helps!!!

PS. The branches were looking stringy before I re-introduced N but they don't look so bad now since I've cut it back out and trimmed the fan leaves of her. Do u think I should cut out the calmag? Because there nitrogen in it?
Keep the cal mag since ur in coco,Ill backtrack some more tell me about the rest of the nutes..
Thanks for taking the time to look @budelee. The details are here somewhere but I admit the thread is a bit of a mess.
Ok, here goes:
I'm growing in a 1.2x1.2x2 meter tent under a 600w hps.
Lighting schedule- 18/6
I have an extraction fan with filter and an intake fan that's sucking in fresh air from outside.
Feed frequency- every three days,sometimes every two of the pots seem dry.
Grown in coco with perlite mix
The circulation in the tent is really good. The air exchange between the two fans has brought down the temp a lot from the start of the grow.
The current temp ranges from 22c to 26c.

Thanks mate and hope this info helps!!!

PS. The branches were looking stringy before I re-introduced N but they don't look so bad now since I've cut it back out and trimmed the fan leaves of her. Do u think I should cut out the calmag? Because there nitrogen in it?
The ph should be between 5.6-5.9 how are you checking this??
Another thing is,dont do any branch cutting when the plant is in flower until you get some experience first,i do but ive been growing for a while and i hit em while they are small/in veg then let them recover and do their thing,i still defoliate and lollipop a bit in flower but i only do the lowers and work slowly,,the plant in question will prolly not improve,but whats important is using it as a learning tool,since one plant looks good,there is a possibility that there is a rogue gene in the bad plant.i do recall another plant having the same issues a while back but id never be able to find the thread..keep me informed,and i wouldn't worry about it too much...good job on keeping the 600watt temps down in a tent that small,its prolly made to handle about 300 watts or an led..
Thanks for taking the time to look @budelee. The details are here somewhere but I admit the thread is a bit of a mess.
Ok, here goes:
I'm growing in a 1.2x1.2x2 meter tent under a 600w hps.
Lighting schedule- 18/6
I have an extraction fan with filter and an intake fan that's sucking in fresh air from outside.
Feed frequency- every three days,sometimes every two of the pots seem dry.
Grown in coco with perlite mix
The circulation in the tent is really good. The air exchange between the two fans has brought down the temp a lot from the start of the grow.
The current temp ranges from 22c to 26c.

Thanks mate and hope this info helps!!!

PS. The branches were looking stringy before I re-introduced N but they don't look so bad now since I've cut it back out and trimmed the fan leaves of her. Do u think I should cut out the calmag? Because there nitrogen in it?
Also,you can find a cal mag product with very low/no N in it...are you able to check the ppm? Coco needs to be watered more often,daily would be ideal,the roots need the oxygen refreshed,some growers in coco feed multiple times per day..