Ha... Yeah I get all that. I mean, I use them. Not just for cannabis. I thought the pruning was supposed to occur on the inside of the pot?
Im no expert :p just from what I've seen it's genrally the larger roots that manage to grow out and get pruned on the outside also allowing the plant to anchor its-self to the pot, and the little feeder roots genrally get airpruned against the inside edge of the pot. How many beautiful monster plants have we all seen grown in fabric pots with roots sticking out all over the place, can't be a bad thing haha
I forgot to mention earlier, the sweet big devil that was in the tent didn't make and I made the decision last night to remove her from the tent. In her place I've put a photo plant in there that I started growing on the window sill. I'll soon be converting an empty cupboard into a nursery so I'll put her in there to veg once it's completed
Just got in from work and thought I'd marvel at Mother Nature. I could spend the rest of my days looking at these

They're beautiful!

At some point during the rest of your days, I'd advise smoking them though
Oh yes. If I'm playing my cards right I might have enough there to last the rest of my days. Or at least two days or three months until the next crop is ready