Mephisto Genetics Time to try mephistos genetics !!!

Wow, that's a long read! Looks like you've been killing it, nice grow. I see what you mean about your plastic pot that red one is almost magic the way that Fantismo grew.

It may be that in your environment with your particular growing style that you will do better with plastic.

To have good success with fabric it helps if you have some type of drain table or something your pots are sitting up on so you don't have to move around early in the plant's development you already know about the damage roots.

I think also it's possible that your Watering your smaller plastic pot more frequently and oxygenating R the rootsoots more fully. In other words maybe you could water your fabric pots a little bit more fully than you are earlier than you are. Benefit the most from The increased oxygen to the roots by frequent watering and of course the root pruning.

It's kind of a balancing act early on especially with soil when you want to lift the pots up to know how much water they can hold.

I like stretchy seedlings starting out I always hoped for at least 2 inches of stretchy floppy seedlings. Then I put two inches of clay Pebbles over the top some people use sand. I like those pebbles better both sand and Pebbles act as a barrier to bugs and will keep our root Aphids and such. Also had the benefit of improved oxygenation and water flow all the way around your pot.

I have a feeling in your tent you would be happier with the air pots since they are plastic and you can pick them up and moving around.

However, if you do stick with the fabric I think you need to water a little bit more thoroughly early on. And utilize some kind of drain table when you're starting your seedlings. I think if you had a drain table set-up and that Fantismo in a fabric pot it probably would have been double the width and about half again as tall.

The Fantasmo was in a 30l fabric pot? I used to stand my pots on wheeled drain tables and found it made no difference for unless I was getting a lot of run off. I feed according to the pots size so bigger pot more water. Also regardless of plastic or fabric pots they all get fed according to the schedule. Daily whilst seedlings and approximately every 2 days there after.

Iv never had a bug or aphid problem

But thanks for all your input.
The last year we've been using fabric pots ~ 15 Liter,

This doesn't apply to Nabzster, but I'm thinking to switch back to plastic for when we're transplanting from 1.5 liters for breeding, but when we've started our autos straight into the smart pots they've done really well.

I feel a slightly smaller plastic pot that's rigid, we used to get better growth out of,

Anyway keep up the good work in here dude!
I just bought myself a few yards of felt, I'm planning on making some short wide pots about a 4 gallon size. I think it would be perfect for my grow operation.
The last year we've been using fabric pots ~ 15 Liter,

This doesn't apply to Nabzster, but I'm thinking to switch back to plastic for when we're transplanting from 1.5 liters for breeding, but when we've started our autos straight into the smart pots they've done really well.

I feel a slightly smaller plastic pot that's rigid, we used to get better growth out of,

Anyway keep up the good work in here dude!
Mitch @mephisto this topic actually started in another thread that I had created were I mentioned I was thinking of going back to plastics myself. Take a look at the reasoning ...
Snap on the 18/6. I may try running some on 24 or 20/4 with my new led this winter
We're we run no heat here the two most the it's cool I will be running mine for 24 hours for heat I know it will get to cold for them I prefer 18-6 do you think it will mess them up if I have to increase the light?
Wow, that's a long read! Looks like you've been killing it, nice grow. I see what you mean about your plastic pot that red one is almost magic the way that Fantismo grew.

It may be that in your environment with your particular growing style that you will do better with plastic.

To have good success with fabric it helps if you have some type of drain table or something your pots are sitting up on so you don't have to move around early in the plant's development you already know about the damage roots.

I think also it's possible that your Watering your smaller plastic pot more frequently and oxygenating R the rootsoots more fully. In other words maybe you could water your fabric pots a little bit more fully than you are earlier than you are. Benefit the most from The increased oxygen to the roots by frequent watering and of course the root pruning.

It's kind of a balancing act early on especially with soil when you want to lift the pots up to know how much water they can hold.

I like stretchy seedlings starting out I always hoped for at least 2 inches of stretchy floppy seedlings. Then I put two inches of clay Pebbles over the top some people use sand. I like those pebbles better both sand and Pebbles act as a barrier to bugs and will keep our root Aphids and such. Also had the benefit of improved oxygenation and water flow all the way around your pot.

I have a feeling in your tent you would be happier with the air pots since they are plastic and you can pick them up and moving around.

However, if you do stick with the fabric I think you need to water a little bit more thoroughly early on. And utilize some kind of drain table when you're starting your seedlings. I think if you had a drain table set-up and that Fantismo in a fabric pot it probably would have been double the width and about half again as tall.
You just sold me back to air pots vs fabric question I'm having a problem with it taking so long for pots to dry out that's why I'm trying to decide on faster drying pots I will get much more growth they are 3 gallon plastic pots with a good watering takes 5 days to dry out till hot heavy bloom then it's very other day my soil is very light and airy I don't grow with a heavy soil I want to make the purchase before my next grow I'm very torn I looked at 7.5 gallon air pots I would love them 4 of them for Photos and 5 gallon for my autos.