Dragon Meds Three Black Dragon crosses--in a pot!



there's my little Russian party girl in a 16oz cup with a little black dress
but she's the spitting image of her momma

checked the pot no sex yet just a bunch of pre teens

cgs i would have bet the dark leaf girls going colored but the lighter leaf girl does have that jem tell tell of light green leafs dude you let them go like i would to where the green buds start to look like they have dirt on them but its part the trichs getting amber clusters real thick and part the cloriphyl <how ever its spelled breaking down and showing what color is under neath seen an article on high times site about it but green or white bud which ever you perfer is usually the heavier knock you out dragon


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Sniper---:gthumb:---Mini-skirted petite lady.

Yes, one of the plants has a lighter color around the bud. Aroma is changing.

Time to drop N. These plants are deep green--could be a Russian trait. Thinking--one more week nutes and two flush. Seem about right! Then you should be able to distinguish strains.
Looking all russian Nasty....,
Man thats ome Strong Smoke....
I cant wait for The Next Month Spring Fling ....

Dragon eggs Going down in volume ....
All dragons In the summer ...Hot nasty aminals
You know sniper..I could just smoke a bit Russian...me palate is Hankering for her Tang...:Sharing One:..I don't know if I want to Eat her or Smoke her..

But I know I'll be having to Grow her shortly...

Lovely Bro....:kusht:
that one in the cup smells earthy i got another in a cup just starting to fill in and she smells of lemon pledge

both party tips are sitting above the canopy of the big girls on top of my square fan in the corner so they get all the light they can handle :grin: i cant wait to knock my buddy out with a bit of Russian :crying: won't be the first time
Oh I Love me Lemon Pledge...:toke toking:..Earthy sound like the Black Dragon poking her genetics through..

I Could eat both.....:coffee2:
Aunty--what do you think about those three Dragon. Two are lemon pledge and the other had a slight lemon scent now changing.

Maturing well. Tell us how you were able to stabilize the Dragons.


Well---------I have no permission to view this photo. Can anyone try and copy and paste bigger image on a thread----thanks!
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Waira---you didn't tell me what is up next week (PM me).
Wair--and those interested*****

I noticed you had found the reptile light. I too, had it bookmarked. Almost bought a few days ago. My cart was loaded and I felt frivolous with my purchases. Lots of Community fungi caps--I mean everyone that may be beneficial. Stopped multi-vitamin. Just using probable or proven natural supplements. Think I will put up a post in med. to see if we can get some members to share their secret herbs etc.

And - never ever forget your baking soda and good mag. All in med area.

Anyway, I got over the frivolous purchase and ordered three bulbs--yesterday. http://www.amazon.com/Exo-Terra-Rep...8&qid=1391733679&sr=1-1&keywords=10.0+uvb+cfl

Interesting the reptiles use UVB to convert calcium. Plants!

These are good because both UVB and A are needed. See: Rosenthal (you have the book!). UVB and A apparently work synergistically.

So, the photos have about 5 weeks. Give or take. Next week, I will start the lights--clip one on each side of LED for the big ones. And may put one in with Dragons for a week or two. CO2 supp may effect size, but, this form of lighting could bring out the flavor, flavonoids, CBD/THC. Will keep tent closed and sunglass to look in. However, I will just unplug when I need to get in. 50 watts is not a lot, but, I am not interested in a tortoise tan.

Also, experimentally, will trim lights to 14 off and 10 on for the last two weeks--once again Rosey and a method of getting a good ripening.

What do you think. How is your set up going. So many options for lighting. And not to pricey.

Lastly, next time your at a dispensary or know someone who is informed see what is being produced as CBD rich oil. They must be stocking the real deal prepared locally. Not the hemp oil--it is dubious and a play on med. benefits. The qt. in the doses is miniscule. Like a commenter mentioned one would have to drink a $50.00 bottle to get two, if that, doses.

Did you see the --- Magic Butter. This offers many options. And has had excellent reviews. Medicine maker! http://store.magicalbutter.com/magicalbutter.html


If you are stern with me and remind me incessantly I will try to take close ups before and after.

Any tips on macro--settings. Do I really have to read the manual!


Sniper that is 16 oz. Wow. Think my three individually are 1/4 to a 1/3 smaller than yours. Bud wise!
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cgs 16 party girl is only 6-7" tall


there's your pic for ya