New Grower THINK BIG AUTO - Loosing my virginity

Haha I really wanted to toss it but being my first grow I couldn’t bring myself to. I’m definitely after yield but with it being a recirculating system I fear putting one in place so far behind my end up in nute burn(don’t want that again) do you think I could get away with it?? I have one more think big seed and about 6 other strains.
Mmm if it gets out the blocks quick maybe worth a try ppm is still low enough I think .
Yeah I’ve been using cal mag. I think 1ml per litre. I did have nute burn about a week ago and had to cut off some dead shit after I flushed them out and ppm it ph didn’t move at all for a week and then the orange spots appeared. They stated of really dark, almost like smudged ink. They slowly go whitish orange. I flushed out my rock wool and ppm seems to be increasing by about ten a day
I'll call in @Waira who might know better
Just stumbled across your thread and a lil late to the party, but subbed in.Im a soil grower but I’m expecting a new hydro system to start my next grow. Trying to learn all I can beforehand. @EvilScotsman seems to really know his stuff so I’m sure we’re both learning a lot. Good luck with your grow, that’s quite a nice setup of gear you’ve got!
Was just reading through it then @wes
funlly enough. Was slanty eyed and struggling to see my phone tho lol.

the wee one is fried from the initial overdose of 900 ppm. The others are recovering but slowly.
You most likely shouldn't need any calmag yet. With 200 ppm tap water there's probably a lot in there.

The brown spots looks like nute splash or sweat marks.
If your VPD (Google that, basically the relationship between humidity and heat) goes too far off then the plants sweat and that sort of thing happens. It also slows down growth. For veg I prefer 70rh with 26-30*c temps. Different strokes for different folks though. If you google for "vpd chart" you'll see what I mean. My phone won't let me upload pics at the moment unfortunately.

My advice would be that the roots are struggling with their environment so make sure your keeping the feed low.
Ph5.8 going in as it should naturally rise a little. 500 ppm Inc your water at max. 400 would be better until they're back in full swing. Don't worry about it being so low. If it's too low the leaves will start fading and turning yellow. Takes a good while to do any damage so you'll have plenty time to spot it and up the dose when you need to.
Just veg nutes, root stim and sm90 or whatever your using to keep the res fresh. Oh actually did you get one of those products?

Also check the res for any signs of badness. Gunge, slimy roots, bad smells. Are you emptying the res regularly? 10 days tops between changes. The nute balance goes way off if your not careful which causes problems.
The big ones should recover but the wee ones fucked. You'll get about 2 gram from that one lol. I just done one that I stunted like that on purpose to see what would happen. Perfect blunts worth lol it went down a treat.
Hey thanks for the advice everyone. I’m not using any of the products you mentioned man but I was told UC ROOTS is the same type of thing and I’ve been using that. Also been changing water at least once a week sometimes more with all the fuck-ups lol. Last changed the res about 5 days ago and dosed 125ml VEG A and 125ml VEG B AND 130ml of COCO CAL. PPM was 650 and has since climbed to 670 and ph was and still is at 6. Hahaha yeah I kinda gave up on the little guy but I got the same problem of frying the next one if I replace it so Ill be looking forward to that blunt I guess hahaha my HUMIDITY is never past 60 but that’s only because I can’t get it any higher and temps have been around 30 but hit 32 a lot lately. I have heaps of fans and decent ventilation and a portable aircon if I really need it but it was dropping the humidity too much. The res and roots are pretty good. Feel abit slimy on the bottom but I assumed it was from the nutes. I came home about an hour ago and they look like they have grown a lot since I checked them last night. I actually couldn’t believe it. I will upload pics in a sec as I’m currently couchlocked hahaha So what’s the call?? Drop the ppm as you suggested and up it if need be or let em go if they’ve grown?? See you soon guys and thanks again!!
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And cyborg
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With the little guy the roots aren’t even in the res they’ve just started to poke through the rockwool cube at the bottom. I’ve been spraying it and it’s been getting fuck all light as I’ve concentrated the viperspectar over number one and the “2000w” in between 2 and 3. I’ve been looking into getting some more lights just need to find the right one for price as I would like to get your recommended 600w per square foot and I know these leds aren’t true watts so probably far off what they say. I think the viper is 296 or something and from memory the green finger 2000w actual power draw is 700 or something. I can’t really remember that one without digging around.
Been looking at this
10FDFE97-760A-4F7F-839E-228A1125EBC2.png But I haven’t found much info from users. What are we thinking about these gals. Flush and redose smaller or let em be?? Also roots are looking good but some have a slight brown tinge. This doesn’t always mean root rot right? Just from the nutes? They don’t look bad. I’ll take some photos later. Thanks again guys and especially to the @EvilScotsman
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And cyborg
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With the little guy the roots aren’t even in the res they’ve just started to poke through the rockwool cube at the bottom. I’ve been spraying it and it’s been getting fuck all light as I’ve concentrated the viperspectar over number one and the “2000w” in between 2 and 3. I’ve been looking into getting some more lights just need to find the right one for price as I would like to get your recommended 600w per square foot and I know these leds aren’t true watts so probably far off what they say. I think the viper is 296 or something and from memory the green finger 2000w actual power draw is 700 or something. I can’t really remember that one without digging around.
Been looking at this
View attachment 982629 But I haven’t found much info from users. What are we thinking about these gals. Flush and redose smaller or let em be?? Also roots are looking good but some have a slight brown tinge. This doesn’t always mean root rot right? Just from the nutes? They don’t look bad. I’ll take some photos later. Thanks again guys and especially to the @EvilScotsman
Yeah brown roots is fairly normal mate. Mine go purple sometimes. As long as there's no slime or smell it's fine.usually just nute stain.
Seedlings don't need much light too. At that size I'd be just out from a 130w cfl and under a 250w led. The 600w per metre is for bloom and asuming there's a full metre of plant already there.
Never flush hydro plants, there's no point really. Just drop the nutes. Soil growers use higher ppms cos they're feeding water in between so they need to do it to wash away excess. In hydro you just lower the dose. You really don't need much nutes like.
The lighter the feed, the easier it is for the plants to absorb what they want when they want it. Can grow a 3-5oz plant at 400ppm from week 2 through to finish. I done it earlier this year just to see if it works. Turns out it works particularly well.
Hello all!! I have returned which means I have managed to keep these girls alive for another 10 days. I’ve been itching to share with you guys so here goes!!
DAY 33
All has been well since we last spoke. Changed out the res 3 days ago and and gave 112.5 veg a &112.5 veg b and 70 calmag. All of that is ml per L. PPM was bang on 600 and ph was 5.8. Ec is now 560 so that’s good right? They be eating lol?? I started LST yesterday on 2 of them as they are bushy as hell already. I think one is a different pheno or whatever cuz she is very tall and lanky and absolutely beautiful to look at. I’ve never seen such a pretty, well spaced out plant. It’s weird how the branches just grow new branches at the end and seem to stretch out like a Xmas tree and almost every part of the plant get light. It’s amazing. I’m getting super exited now!!!!!

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And finally...... mutie
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So there it is everybody. Any tip comments or questions please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m starting to get really optimistic about this and starting to wonder why I didn’t do it years ago!!
Also just wondering when we should be putting in bloom/flower nutes into the mix. Read a lot of contradicting stuff about mixing bloom with veg and slowly build up and others say it don’t matter. @EvilScotsman what do you do??
Thank again everyone for being apart of this and for all the help and support. Will see you all soon!!!!


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Looking good mate. The nutes thing is something you'll never get a straight answer from tbh. Lots of guys use veg and bloom all the way for autos but personally I'm against it. Don't see the point. You wouldn't feed a photo bloom nutes in veg so why do it to an auto?
Leaves you open to problems.
I'm a little n often kinda guy so I go veg nutes till a week into the pre flower stretch. Then 50/50 for a week. Then onto straight bloom. 2 weeks later i start the PK booster and drop the nutes by about 40%.
That's my own wee method that works for me.
Having said that though I've got 1 auto and 3 photos on just now. Only realised yesterday my autos went N tox cos I'm a fanny and still feeding it veg nutes lol.