New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

Day 7 (15/3)
Well I think all is looking good, could be greener. Still struggling with temps when the central heating is on (I added another pc fan to the air intake which has helped a little). Have been watering frugally and only around the base of the plant like in a column (check out Trappers threads for this) with oxygenated water and root juice added at 2ml litre. Still on 24 hours lighting though i might cut it down at the 14 day mark to 20 hours, its getting dusty in that room i want to be able to spray them down.
The only concern was the baby leaves (cotyledons’) can’t say it and certainly had to look it up to spell it, were looking purple, but thanks to redrobbo my concerns were put at ease, he suggested too much light, which after raising my light solved the problem if indeed it was a problem.
A Google search will only terrify you and some of the advice to resolve it borders on the ridiculous; but basically it seems to be a response to a stressor, too much light, too cold etc, the fact it’s gone purple is the plant helping itself, it’s certainly not a reason to start giving it crazy amount of nute’s’ as some Google suggestions called for, so look for the easy reasons and remedy’s.
A real positive this week as been my wife’s interest in the plants, i think she is secretly falling in love with them and enjoying seeing them grow and who wouldn’t.(lol, if they take a turn for the worse at some point at least i won’t be crying alone)
I know you want pics, here goes with names

Sersi (Tyrone special)



She is in the biggest pot and looking strong.

Leeloo (sour crack 1)


Smaller of the three, she came about 6 hours into the world later and has kept behind but looks healthy.

Gamora (sour crack 2)


Nearly same size as Sersi, could be mistaken as twins

Group shot

So that’s it, any comments/ advice welcome.
Looking great Hairy bro, nice healthy girls nicely on track. The growth will take off soon, once you have got another set of leaves about the same size as that second set in the first pic you watch them rocket, more leaf area = more photosynthesis = we have lift off.

New growth always looks a bit light for a while, as long as it dont fade and starts to green up you got nothing to worry about. Could try getting a small clip on fan or two and see if that help with the temps, should move the air around a bit and drop it a few degrees, just dont blast them straight on the girls till they get a bit bigger.

Keep doing, what ya doing and is gonna be great.
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Looking good Hairy,nice healthy seedlings there mate.
Well done.
great job Hairyman. good that you looked up all the info available and cooked off the b.s. and kept it simple.
Hey Hairyman You're kicking it dude. Sersi, Leeloo, & Gamora - I love it! Great that Mama is taking an interest too.

Purple stems - everything I've read says not to worry if this is the only issue. Give it a week or two. Could green up on its own. Could be colder temps. Or it could just be the genetics. But if you have yellowing leaves too, it could be a mag issue.

How big are your airpots. I'm using the 5gal (green base) pots. I'm thinking I went too big and the 3 gal (yellow base) might have been a better choice. At least I could fit three in my space like you've got.

Watch your soil pH. I am watching mine climb towards 7 over the past couple of weeks. Guess the dolomite lime is finally kicking in. Dropping my water/feed pH to around 6 to compensate.

How are your temps and rh. I think my lights on temps are going to max out around 88 (31), but they seem to no worse for wear. My rh runs 35-60% but I have no control yet. We're in that transition period between heat and ac.

Are ya still peeking in on them every hour or so?
Cheers guys,I really appreciate your support and encouragement
Hey Hairyman You're kicking it dude. Sersi, Leeloo, & Gamora - I love it! Great that Mama is taking an interest too.

Purple stems - everything I've read says not to worry if this is the only issue. Give it a week or two. Could green up on its own. Could be colder temps. Or it could just be the genetics. But if you have yellowing leaves too, it could be a mag issue.

How big are your airpots. I'm using the 5gal (green base) pots. I'm thinking I went too big and the 3 gal (yellow base) might have been a better choice. At least I could fit three in my space like you've got.

Watch your soil pH. I am watching mine climb towards 7 over the past couple of weeks. Guess the dolomite lime is finally kicking in. Dropping my water/feed pH to around 6 to compensate.

How are your temps and rh. I think my lights on temps are going to max out around 88 (31), but they seem to no worse for wear. My rh runs 35-60% but I have no control yet. We're in that transition period between heat and ac.

Are ya still peeking in on them every hour or so?

Hi pal, smaller pots are 3 liters and the other is 6, next time (lol, already planning next) will be going with two 6 liter ones, just so i can keep the plants small and will fit the space nicely, i ain't got the room to have them runaway with growth.

Temps run 78-85 its a struggle to keep them down, especially when the heating is on, its a good job i am here to keep opening the door, so yes i peak at them a lot :) Rh is low as 26 sometimes, i put wet towels in and it gets ta 40 but ain't the end of world i think,
Soil PH ermmm wouldn't have a clue, will be the sore point in this grow; but from what i already know about the soil and how it behaves from reading threads and my water PH and the nutes i plan to use, high PH wont be a problem, if anything it will low ,i already added lime to the soil at the start with this in mind.If i had any spare cash an accurate 8 would be bought and used but as i don't its down to a wing and a prayer :)
:Aloha: Your just a swinging Hairy..Keep up the groove
Doing great, Hairy!