New Grower Thiers a Hairyman in the cupboard/SourCrack/TyroneSpecial

And the Hairyman is off :Cool bud: will be checking in for sure, good luck buddy and have fun. Something i never mentioned in my thread about the nutes, make sure before using each time you give them all a real good shake 30 secs + and after adding each to the water give a quick mix before adding the next.

Can check this thread the schedule on page 20 is where is got the base for mine.

Is this true for all nutes or just this particular brand?
Subbed up and following along Hairyman. Stay patient and don't feck with em too much. G'luck mate.
Subbed up and following along Hairyman. Stay patient and don't feck with em too much. G'luck mate.

Hey pal , how is ya, lol @ ""don't feck with em too much, its hard not to go look at the pots and its only been 12 hrs lol fck i am going ta get anxiety attacks after 72 hrs, but i promise i won’t start digging around looking for them till at least 4 days have passed, in a way i wish i had germed them a different way just so i could say hmmmm theirs the tap root etc but my gut says go natural, light misting is what I’ve been recommended to do so that’s what i will do.
So glad you’re here, we can fck it up together but i know we will get it right in the end just a matter of time,
Will let Spanglish answer ya question I'm a bit clueless, but the manufacturer suggests to do that, they organic so I'm imagining there’s lots of stuff that settles in the solution, again I'm guessing but cant harm ta shake anything up that’s held in suspension before ya use it even chemical ones.
I'm going to speek up..But just my way of thinking..Everything need a good mixing..Maybe its just a habit of mine.But if anything sitts for awhile stuff settles..Water..milk..etc..So why not the nutes..

Thanks:Brain Fog..:
Is this true for all nutes or just this particular brand?

Cant speak from experience on any other brands as have only ever gone with Bio Bizz, also shake my CalMg and the Bloom Booster am never sure if it is needed for them but it dont hurt so just do it. I also always start with the CalMg and then add the others, seen it mentioned around here a few times but am still not sure about the reason behind it.

Hey pal , how is ya, lol @ ""don't feck with em too much, its hard not to go look at the pots and its only been 12 hrs lol fck i am going ta get anxiety attacks after 72 hrs, but i promise i won’t start digging around looking for them till at least 4 days have passed, in a way i wish i had germed them a different way just so i could say hmmmm theirs the tap root etc but my gut says go natural, light misting is what I’ve been recommended to do so that’s what i will do.
So glad you’re here, we can fck it up together but i know we will get it right in the end just a matter of time,
Will let Spanglish answer ya question I'm a bit clueless, but the manufacturer suggests to do that, they organic so I'm imagining there’s lots of stuff that settles in the solution, again I'm guessing but cant harm ta shake anything up that’s held in suspension before ya use it even chemical ones.

You will be fine mate, cant do worse than my first grow the seedling only lasted 2 days before i killed it. I was watering about 4 times a day waiting for it to show, cut of oxygen to the baby and once it broke the soil it was yellow as anything, being the smart twat i was then had not done one piece of research and started adding pure undiluted chemical nutes to the soil around it thinking i could solve the problem hahaha. Is why I like to germ in paper towels so I know she has cracked and can see the tap root, but there are many tried and tested methods and they are all good, just be patient getting in soil as it takes me 2-3 days in the towels to get a bean to crack and then 1-2 more days before she breaks soil so 5 days in total, but this can vary. Also if germing straight in soil make sure the pointy end of the seed faces down as this is where the root comes from and will give it a direct path down.

I'm going to speek up..But just my way of thinking..Everything need a good mixing..Maybe its just a habit of mine.But if anything sitts for awhile stuff settles..Water..milk..etc..So why not the nutes..

Thanks:Brain Fog..:

Yeah thats the way i would look at it, even more so with organics as Hairy mentioned is alot in them that will settle. But as you say over time anything will go that way, so why not give it a shake got nothing to lose, unless the label says specialy not to.
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I concur with the shaking and mixing. shake the concentrate be fore adding to water, shake up the water/feed, then feed.just my 2 cent's
Thanks for the chipping in and replying to ducky spanglish, to be honest i isn’t sure which way i orientated the seeds, fck they should know which way is up, lol, but point taken for next time, temps in the space are 83/84 which is good for germination but i really am going ta have to try and reduce them a tad once growing, RH has been low so i threw a wet tea towel in there and its come back up, i have been very good and only looked in once lol, it helps that i have a web cam trained on the thermometer (shhh don’t tell anyone i am a voyeur)

Elsamurai your two cent are worth their weight in gold, feel free to add when ever you want, at some point soon i am going to have to go through your thread and sub up for your new grow i am constantly reading threads at moment, trying to catch up and build my knowledge base and its a fun way ta spend the day.can’t wait to find out what you decide to follow the 16oz grow, my two cents would be whatever it is, can be readily available to people in different countries, apart from that its going ta be fun to see what you go for
Subbed, all the best chap!
OMG, wheres the red carpet :grat:, my anxiety levels have just soared ten fold,i hope i can do your creations some justice pal, fck at the moment i just hoping i can get them germed.
i use to follow your grows years back, even asked you a few questions about growing in pop bottles in the day lol but the wife was having none of it.
Well i have finally got the wife to let me try growing, so i had to pick your seeds.

Honored ta have you around, you've done amazing things, i was gutted when i saw you had got an apprentice, they never put that up on universal job match i would have applied :).
Sorry I sometimes miss these grows outside of our sub-forum.
but relax I'm sure you'll do splendidly, everything looks in order and a good start is vital to a good grow.

it'd be nice to be able to offer job opportunities on here but who knows in the future maybe we could :)