New Grower TheMongol: Real Strange Grow Matters


Mongol Madness
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Feb 21, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hi Guys,

started my second Autoflowergrow 6 weeks ago. Everything went well, my ladys are all Dutch Passion:
4 Autoultimate
4 Automazar
4 CBD Auto White Widow

They started flowering in the 4. week, but about 10 days in week 5 they stopped completly growing and flowering and i dond´t know why.

My setup:
Platinum P 600 distance to lights: 55 cm
Viparspectra R 900
Airpots 20 Liter
Soil Pagron Lightmix
Nutrients Advanced Nutrients

Actually they are eating, drinking and transpiring like normal. Last time feeding i went in by EC 1.0 and the outcome was EC 1.0

PH Insolution is 6.5 outsolution is 6.8

No signs of overfeeding or diseases, leaves look good, all plants locking good, but in fact they stopped growing and flowering.

What the fuck is going on?

Who can help me please?
Photos would help ... there are times when there is no visible growth from one day to the next ...
Thanks so much for answering, i knew a pro would ask for Photos, i will check up my digicam and will upload pictures in about 1 hour

Is there any angle you would like to see them, also pictures of the leaves?
As natural a light as possible ... not the LED ...
Hi Guys,

started my second Autoflowergrow 6 weeks ago. Everything went well, my ladys are all Dutch Passion:
4 Autoultimate
4 Automazar
4 CBD Auto White Widow

They started flowering in the 4. week, but about 10 days in week 5 they stopped completly growing and flowering and i dond´t know why.

My setup:
Platinum P 600 distance to lights: 55 cm
Viparspectra R 900
Airpots 20 Liter
Soil Pagron Lightmix
Nutrients Advanced Nutrients

Actually they are eating, drinking and transpiring like normal. Last time feeding i went in by EC 1.0 and the outcome was EC 1.0

PH Insolution is 6.5 outsolution is 6.8

No signs of overfeeding or diseases, leaves look good, all plants locking good, but in fact they stopped growing and flowering.

What the fuck is going on?

Who can help me please?

If your pH going in is 6.5 and runoff is 6.8 it would seem to me that your medium is at about 7.1.. maybe a little high
As natural a light as possible ... not the LED ...
i knew taking pictures under normal light, but here in europe its knight know, i did as good as possible:

Auto 044.JPG

Auto 048.JPG

Auto 051.JPG

Auto 053.JPG

Auto 056.JPG

Auto 059.JPG

Auto 058.JPG

Auto 057.JPG

CBD Auto White Widow
Auto 030.JPG

Auto 031.JPG

Auto 035.JPG
Auto 037.JPG

Auto 038.JPG

So, what do you think?

What can you tell me about "these times when they stop visible grow in one day"?

I was searching in the net and all my books, asked all friends, but nobody could tell me anything about this phenomanom.

Waiting for you answer

If your pH going in is 6.5 and runoff is 6.8 it would seem to me that your medium is at about 7.1.. maybe a little high
thanks for answering

i know and also thinking about what to do, I`m a littel bit afraid to go in under 6.0 for the reaction

What is your advise? What would you suggest to do?

Could this be the reason to stop growing and flowering?
thanks for answering

i know and also thinking about what to do, I`m a littel bit afraid to go in under 6.0 for the reaction

What is your advise? What would you suggest to do?

Could this be the reason to stop growing and flowering?
To be be brutally honest... I know nothing of EC or advanced nutrients and I've never used plagron.. but I think your plants are just doing their thing.. they look great to me.. some of the twisted leaves make me think hungry.. underfed. But all in all I think you're doing awesome.
To be be brutally honest... I know nothing of EC or advanced nutrients and I've never used plagron.. but I think your plants are just doing their thing.. they look great to me.. some of the twisted leaves make me think hungry.. underfed. But all in all I think you're doing awesome.
OK, but what is your suggestion for the ph to get lower level, may go in at 6.0?

I know they are looking awsome and the techniquels are right. Light is ok, also the distance, air is about 24 degree, humidity 45, they are eating and drinking a lot also transspiring, 3 fans runing, but they stopped completly flowering. On Friday its 2 weeks they do grow, but did stop completly flowering.

What do you mean " they are doing their tings"
When a seed first breaks the soil it often looks like it's not growing for the first week to 10 days ... while it looks like it's not doing anything it is in reality still "doing it's thing" known as maturing ... early flowering period can be the same way ... the best way to see the change of growth is to photograph them a few days apart ... even then sometime the change doesn't show ... your plants look healthy ... I would do what you've been doing, not concern myself w/ ph and wait a little bit and see if they don't look more advanced in a couple days ... when I've used AN nutrients I used the three part series that says you can increase the bloom portion slightly after flowering .... no idea which AN nutrients you're using .... I suggest not worrying about your ph because your plants look fine and chasing an elusive ph number is a good way to make them look less fine.