@Waira here is a full run down of the garden end of week 8 been on PHed water and shogun boost for 5 days now
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View media item 20951smallest pineapple seems to be a mix between the fat pheno and tall skinny pheno
View media item 20953front left sativa pineapple looks like a good 10 week pheno she will only get 9 and a half
View media item 20952middle left sativa pineapple looks to be exact same as first sativa pineapple but with a week shorter flowering time buds look more ripe
View media item 20946back left pinneapple this was a light feeder very dark green compared to the rest but she had to suffer for the good of the group
i think she would have got bigger with the right feeding
View media item 20945here we have the middle center pineapple which is fading purple now quite lovely only one to do it so far
View media item 20943to sum up the pineapple i would say you get a near 50/50 pheno variance between tall sativa looking plants and short thick bushy ones the name is very appropriate for this strain its a mix of candy pineapple and mango tropical juice absolutely delicious i pray they taste how they smell all phenos are quite similar in smell at this point
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View media item 20944this is the front right gelato small but still a good yielder buds are rock hard
View media item 20949middle right gelato is very indica dom totally different plant structure
View media item 20948and then we have whats possibly my fav plant in the garden just for her looks it ticks all the boxs all the gelato have a warm gassy creamy smell thats the only way i can describe it but pretty over shadowed by the pineapple
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My eyes get red just looking at this thread. I really like that corrugated flooring!
My eyes get red just looking at this thread. I really like that corrugated flooring!
thankyou otto much appreciated the flooring is one of the best things iv added to the tent since iv started makes watering to run off later in flower a breeze made up a small bit of guttering with two end caps to catch the runoff then pump out no more horrible wet trays raising the humidity
:headbang: :d5::jointman:
Sherbet & purple punch veg
First week over in the main tent some Good growth showing tempted to flip to 12/12 tomorrow but also might wait another week
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Sherbet &purple punch 12/12

Trim jail
Wk 1 flower
Nearly the end of week 1 for these girls and I would say some explosive growth for 5-6 days thinking I might throw a net on them soon the three right hand sherbet are all shooting up while the left side ones are staying squat and bushy I thought maybe its the lights but iv been moving them daily to try keep a even canopy seems pheno related to me the purple punch are down the centre all three are very uniform almost identical at this stage
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Wk 2 flower
WK 3 flower