...oh right, that inoculant product; unless it has lime or something in it like that, it's not likely the culprit for driving the pH up... If the 'crobe's in there are fizzing away though, they may be the ones holding the pH in that range,...
spotting look mostly like Ca defc. to me, or the basic LED indiced symptoms; purple burnishing could be normal color expression, from the Affy side I think,... P defc. less likely possibility but I don't know what your P inputs are like,... pH is OK, on the high side but not at lockout range...
:smokeout: Trich' my man! A tent stuffed with beauties once again :woohoo1: ... I'm interested in your opinion on the pheno' spread here, as I feel Barney's is a bit notorious for wide pheno' diff's on some of their cultivars. LSD is a nice classic though, olde school genetics with Skunk #1 x Afghani! ...aroma sounds on point so far :thumbsup:...

Did I ask you about the GCF's? How did they turn out, all said and done? Were they "fast enough" to live up to the name? I see you mentioned some choice pheno's, talk them up a bit please! I have some beans of her so naturally I'm curious about the results and smoke... I figure you've had some good feedback by now! :eyebrows:
so the GCF i really liked her smoke was great not too strong but did hit the spot frosty as anything if i was to go her again i would be much more vigorous in stripping before flower lost alot of yield to the canopy being to dense i seen a few grown natural and they do great i think id rather run them like that if had the space or maybe just do 6 in my tent they side branch like nothing iv grown before pretty crazy took mine to 8 weeks certainly could have been taken at 7 good mold resistance not a bud lost but again i didnt have any huge colas a few big top buds and trillions of marbles sized ones under the tops again my fault for not thinning it better they smell citrus edging on floral but one was straight fruit punch it was a more sativa looking plant skinny long buds that plant definitely could have been taken a week even two later it was the middle plant on the left side so all in all id recommend it seen one guy have his go auto on him outdoor something to keep in mind
...oh right, that inoculant product; unless it has lime or something in it like that, it's not likely the culprit for driving the pH up... If the 'crobe's in there are fizzing away though, they may be the ones holding the pH in that range,...
spotting look mostly like Ca defc. to me, or the basic LED indiced symptoms; purple burnishing could be normal color expression, from the Affy side I think,... P defc. less likely possibility but I don't know what your P inputs are like,... pH is OK, on the high side but not at lockout range...

you have a funny way of confirming what i am thinking waira with you and nelly nugs comments iv gone away from thinking the myco product is causing a problem and gone to im a big fricking stoner noooob trying to push the plants to hard to soon my timing has been throwin off on this grow due to me starting them in flower before they even showed sex so instead of them going straight to flower they have kinda grown like auto flowers with a short veg period before the plant switchs to flower it self so i hit them with there PK boost id say two weeks too early thinking hey its week 4 time to PK them gals do you think that would cause the purple or is that the hour or two of cold they get in the morning or am i just hitting them a touch hard or a bit of all the above
@Waira see above :smoking: and @St. Tom i always see you asking for tags heres one for yah :thumbsup:
:thumbsup:-- I hear you on the lush branching, you can tell if given all the root space outside they want, they would become globe-like monsters! My Pineapple was the same way, I was snipping away lower nodes and side branching from mid-veg' on through early bloom to reduce the bud sites... If I didn't I would have had a ton of smaller fluffy larfy bits! I still could have done more, but I've not had but a couple plants with this sort of bushy-lushness. Acapulco Gold and Psicodelicia (gotta try her TF) had branches that were like smaller whole plants! ....good thing I didn't top Pineapple :rofl:

The aroma, that was my main interest in this cross... true blue GC was a unique fruity+sweet floral aroma which I think that one pheno you had was the ticket!
Yeah, I've seen some of that auto'ing show up now and again. I think it's unavoidable, just a % chance in the genetic expression. None of my Sweets have done this so far; Female seeds uses auto's in some of their breeding with photo's to speed them up (not F1 FV's), like Critical Sour which they openly state that about 1/30 will go auto... In the Outdoor Comp, Jean-O ran a couple Dinafem/HSO's new Fast Kush and GC's, but I think he put them outside too soon or didn't phase the light hours right because they damn near went into full bloom, then reveg'ed, then corrected again and finished OK, but not great... Female makes particular note of this in their photo's that have some more distant auto' in them, something Dina'/HSO should do as well!
.... Delicious has a nice spread of FV's, a few others dabbling in nowadays too... Sweet is still the Champ on FV's, but Delicious may be as good, I just haven't seen much of them run... For Female, Gennaro said it's all about speeding certain cultivars up so that they can finish in northern climes... Actually, their Mimosa Champagne has no auto at all in her, but she finished just behind the Red Mandarine F1FV, bloom time was as fast as any FV I've run, 5 weeks and change! She's another to try for sure mate, very potent and such a rich yummy aroma, berry punch, a bit of dairy and something like menthol way in back - :drool:
rock buds, and seemed better than expect mold resistant give bud density...

you have a funny way of confirming what i am thinking waira with you and nelly nugs comments iv gone away from thinking the myco product is causing a problem and gone to im a big fricking stoner noooob trying to push the plants to hard to soon my timing has been throwin off on this grow due to me starting them in flower before they even showed sex so instead of them going straight to flower they have kinda grown like auto flowers with a short veg period before the plant switches to flower it self so i hit them with there PK boost id say two weeks too early thinking hey its week 4 time to PK them gals do you think that would cause the purple or is that the hour or two of cold they get in the morning or am i just hitting them a touch hard or a bit of all the above
yes, the timing of such nute transitions and boosting is really quite important! Blooming is not controlled by nutes, it's hormonal... Have a look at this link to APTUS grow bible, a nice presentation of info particularly in the first part about nutrient interactions and timing of when best to boost certain ones...
...the color thing, hard to say; normal expression and/or the cool dip more likely than anything else. Some color burnishing on fans can be from P defc., not the case with you!
Happy looking girls mate :thumbsup:
thanks woody there hanging in there if the buds swell up should be a nice yield smells are great already :pass:
looking good now they got big from when you switched them to flower, dont see purples in them though I thought barneys farm LSD was a purp plant, but green is stronger smoke so i would take mine green over purple any day. My fastbuds LSD-25 was very purp but was a weak smoke with a very woody taste, ok as a daytime smoke


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looking good now they got big from when you switched them to flower, dont see purples in them though I thought barneys farm LSD was a purp plant, but green is stronger smoke so i would take mine green over purple any day. My fastbuds LSD-25 was very purp but was a weak smoke with a very woody taste, ok as a daytime smoke
iv seen quite a few barneys lsd grown and not one had purple in the buds the fans will turn purple if the temps get a bit low iv no idea the lineage of the fast buds lsd as they dont share that info my main gripe with fast buds is they dont tell you the cross of there strains barneys LSD is like any classic skunk x Afghani cross some are skunky some are more citrus but none have ever disappointed