La Buena Hierba The Theory of AF Origins.

Norwegian grew some sour60 in norway outdoors last year. BOM is from the area as well.

I haven't done enough cloning of autos to make a call ether way. It is possible. I think more work needs to be done to see which autos take to cloning better than others.

I am in canada. The longest day i get is close to 19 hours. A friend of mine lives in Yellowknife which isn't even at the pole and he gets 24 hour days in the summer. I've seen it for myself.

If where your going in a "land race auto" That is sort of the holy grail for an auto breeder. Lowryder was produced for the most part indoors. Using a small amount of stock seeds. It was claimed to be from mexico. But we have yet to see a mexican land race auto pop up.
Some thing to note is heavy indica strains, when crossed to an auto. Show high % auto's in the F1's and so on. are the photosensitive genes in the indica just not dominant? Or, is the auto trait back in the genes, as a recessive trait?

Indica strains are from mountainousness terrain. So it might not have as much to do with "light hours" as we think. But more a response to short unpredictable growing seasons.

Here is a link about finola. Autoflower hemp cultivated in finland. gif.pdf

This is the plant thought to be used to find the autoflower gene.

It was also tested in canada.
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Lets more focus on pratice.
Bailer as for Canadian folk you should know GG, EWS and affie. How do you think we should call each of these plants? and why?
what is the difference between photosensitive and semiAF ?

as far as I know both: Bom and Norwegian are pretty far away from north pole.

If where your going in a "land race auto" That is sort of the holy grail for an auto breeder.
do you have some? do you interesting in it? ;)
here in cold harsh climate THC level isn't main
there are already many indica dominant AF hybrids (LR family) almost all which are available on market now.
and as any other pure indica they mostly suck with mold coz of bud structure. sad but fact

yes I've read about finola before but keep in mind that it was breed from Russian hemp/Ruderalis - (now here its the same mostly non cultivation weed)
in Finland was continued line of low THC so you will hard to break this genes even after few generations crosses imho (in USSR hemp program was running for 50+ years and main idea was to get low THC)
and the MAIN is that Finola doesn't grow wild - its cultivated by human...
Hemp could contain germs traits coz of high seed production and no loose in fibre with that way.

Sorry Bailer can you link me to your od thread or album? Deep chuck male looks hot but where is budporn? ;D
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pollyanna was around in the 70s... but it gone or a dead end these days... I dont know if it auto flowered but when combined in crosses it add a very early finish time... The Early Pearl I grew in the 80s finished in aug.
Neville crossed, I believe Northern Lights, with Rudy way back in the day and sold seeds. It's very possible that that is the providence of all Lowryders strains. The info is somewhere on Mr. Nice's forum but I can't recall exactly where.
The origins of the lowryder and modern commercial autos is known and not as interesting as the origins of the autoflower trait. The AF trait must date much longer back then the 70s. But what is the origins of it, does autos exist because the earliest male always pollinates in the wild?

Here are some autos from latitude 70 north on the arctic coast of Norway. Polar circle is @ lat 65 north... Pictures are from late june & early july..









We got more strains going and the pics are some weeks old, forgive me for holding out on you w the pics, full update on this grow will come when its all over and safe.

Where it comes from?.. i dont know! Its a gift from above as far as im concerned. I just know we can grow autos all the way up to the arctic treeline. Meaning, if there is a tree within sight, any type of tree... we can grow a weed crop there.

Thats friggin awesome!!! Thanks to dr.Calloway or wutever his name is, thanks to neville, thanks to wiz, stitch, lbh and all u serious breeders out there. You are my heroes. Whatever was is not as interesting as what becomes, not by far!
i was thinking from the point of view rudarlis seems to be able to grow anywere were the indicas an sativas seem selectivly bred for there area was intersting to read some regular strains show auto charateristics under stress ,does anyone know when the first records of cannabis use for medicine or pleasure was used by people ?as opposed to rope/fibre production i know thres records that show it was grown for industral purposes in europe a 1000 years ago ,,certainly an intersting subject
Longer than a thousand years ago. I think there was writing about (I think it was the Hittites) using it thousands of years ago. They would burn it in a enclosed room. Autos probably started in the far North. Maybe an offshoot of Asian origin.