NEWS The shutting down of dispensary's and the potaganda in the legal states

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dankstyle J

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Cultivators Club
Apr 25, 2015
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Biolegend, green poison, ocean grown cookies
What's going on is the same old bs there trying to remove the dispensary's in my small Oregon town city council voting tonight what's the evil forces up to in you're neck of the woods in curious about it
Sore losers its like you can't handle legal weed I thought this was a win win for everyone guess not here comes the potaganda followed by false statistics and the gateway drug bs
I just took a serve couple days back.
The haters want to amend the amendment 64. I'm in co.
They want to shut down the dispensers and edible makers. But let people still carry and grow. The stuff they asked was crazy from the other side.
I live in the green belt of co herb and our town and county won't allow a dispensary in. We are a poorer county.
I feel your frustration.
No doubt, folks in politics are stuck in some old ways of thinking.

There is definitely a "Them against Us" attitude and it is being nurtured and expanded way beyond just cannabis which is an easy target. A daily dose of fear is being fed to "Them" across the U.S. that their whole way of life is in danger from "Us". Not a healthy situation for anybody.
Always had that attitude that people who use marijuana are some kinda out of control degenerates all the way back to the 30s hassling jazz musicians spreading potaganda and trying to scare middle America into thinking there children were in danger and weren't safe .they believe American values will die when those hippies and darkies take over via there marijuana.being mixed race an raised by hippies this is and always felt like a war on my culture and a reason to lock me up.the man likes having prohibition in there toolbox of discrimination
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