Outdoor The Penguin goes al fresco

Looking excellent! Those neighbor houses look close, hope they don't mind! Lol! Here in the States, neighbors would have been on the phone faster than a mouse fart.
Any updates bro? Would love to see a stickit note with (I love Mossy) stuck to one of the leaves as struggle to find you get away with that, unless you own the estate! Or your not in the UK? but does look like English houses
I shat myself with a couple of plants in my greenhouse!
In the heart of the Black Country my Villainous friend !

I lived here 50 years with solid neighbours. I will see what I can do regards the stickit note. I love a challenge.

Any updates bro? Would love to see a stickit note with (I love Mossy) stuck to one of the leaves as struggle to find you get away with that, unless you own the estate! Or your not in the UK? but does look like English houses
I shat myself with a couple of plants in my greenhouse!

Challenge Accepted.

How dare you !!!!!!!!!!!!!

FMcGraw is NOT a relation. I repeat NOT. He was excommunicated from the penguin fraternity for rubber glove f*%$ing and being nice to meerkats. Calm down eP. Breath.....Ommmmmmm

Sorry DrWho bruv. I went off on one then! I'm gonna have nightmares now.
A Self Fulfilling Prophecy !

Looking excellent! Those neighbor houses look close, hope they don't mind! Lol! Here in the States, neighbors would have been on the phone faster than a mouse fart.

My mate said, "What's the worst that could happen?"

I replied, "If they stuck up scaffolding and did roof repairs to the houses at the back. But what are the chances of that?"

So, I hereby present my self fulfilling prophecy.......


Oh shit ! You couldn't make it up could ya ? eP.