Outdoor The Penguin goes al fresco

:d5::drool:Yes!... that is very fine quality product eP, nicely done, saaahhhhh... :smoke:... I suspected as much about gentle agitation vs. shaking, after all, it's about simply dissolving, not knocking trichs loose.... I've been looking into using ethanol instead too,.... the chlorophyll is also a concern there... at a lab I used to work at during school, ethanol was used to extract chlorophyll out of filters from river water samples to assay algae levels....sooo, I'm leery to say the least! ....And wondering if one is better than the other for various reasons..... perhaps the agitation thing is what really matters.... eP, did some of the bud aromatics make it into the qwiso?

Yes my friend, I when I was snipping my harvest (which was not a small amount) I got a bit fed up toward the end and left a lot of "popcorn" buds into the mix along with all the good sugar leaves. Large fan leaves and anything brown or wilted was scrapped. So it was mostly pretty high quality trim. Also, when I got big buds that sadly were mouldy when inspected, they also went into the goodie bag.
I am taking pics of today's run and will post with all the details soon.

Thanks to all who took time to stop by.

:roflcry: Yeah, funny how the boon can become something of a curse toward the end!.. one can clearly see why there's actual power equipment made to deal with all of it,... at least for those lacking Meerk' trimming minions! :xlaugh:..... hey, is that an Sardine on the floor over there?--->
...-- preemptive :slap:
"Hey, is that an Sardine on the floor over there?--->"

Wha......!!!! Some B'stard meerkat been messing with my supper !

Thanks pal, You gotta keep a tight ship or they take advantage. People think I'm cruel to them, but if you keep 'em in their place, they are generally happy little bunnies(or meerkats). But give 'em an inch and they will take a mile.
For their own good they have to be beaten at least once a month.

And if you think I am being a B'stard........get a grip! I'm a penguin fer fecks sake! Needs must.

Photo's t'morra, promise.

Avagudun eP.
OK, for the eagle eyed, I did say I would post pics next day. And, I have not. But I will soon. Honest. I am refining the qwiso stuff and want to give you the best advice I can. And the safest! So, I am going to take a few more days and a few more runs before I give the definitive eP guide to cheapo hash.
It aint rocket fuel, but it is pretty good as you are getting decent hash for pretty much bugger all.
Please bear with me as I want to get it it as good as poss for the effort put in. The more I experiment, the better I can advise you on the eP method.

AND.....so far....no one has died!!!!! YAY!

(apart from two meerkats that snuffed it in a tragic fire) and one that fell into the iso and died happy!
I refuse to talk about the other seven. Let's just brush over that awful episode with the fire extinguisher and the petrol and the ambulance that crashed into the bus stop. And as for the.......well.... the less said the better.

My phone is undergoing surgery at the mo. I am trying to replace the broken screen after dropping it. I got a replacement for a fiver of ebay. The shop wanted fifty quid to fix it !
So I am out of sorts with the pictures for a few days until I get me phone / camera sorted.

Back soon chums.

Ok, so I said back soon. But why put off till tmorra what you can put off till the day after.

Actually, I am still trying to build up to fixing my phone. It looks like a very tricky job. And I have fallen back in love with my old flip phone. So, still no pics. But I will get around to it. Honest guv!

I now have a proper vaporizer. Blooming heck ! A dab of my shatter goes a long way and puts me into la la land. It is the only way to go with shatter. IMHO as always.

Catch ya soon chums, eP.
Dang man, sorry about the RIPPERS!!! Id bet whoever took them, will check back with you again next summer. Maybe grow one big plant with some bear traps set up around it..... Id bet it was one of the roofing crew guys that nabbed your plants. Get a dog, or two maybe?
Cheers treeman,

my security setup for next year is deep under-cover. It has to be that way. Cheers for reading through my journal. It was a roller coaster ride.

As for the shatter guide, it is still waiting on my phone/camera being fixed .(must get round to it)

But I do have some good tips to share. I hope it has been useful to you for growing outdoors. As you can see, if I can do it in the "Black Country" any one can. Just got to have the balls to experiment. We can learn so much every time we do a grow. And if we share, it helps the community we call AFN. Even the bad stuff.

phones,tidly lil screwdrivers,technology.bribe a kid to fix the fone ? with 5 gals of iso there better be some guides up soon.did you ever replace the critters that got toasted ? I imagine you just poked and prodded the remaining just a lil more than usual eh

I don't need to replace them, the little blighters breed like rabbits!

I just today received my third 5 litre bottle of iso. The quantity you get aint huge, but it is a lot of fun in my vape. I am still learning and refining the technique and will soon detail it for you all.

The main thing is ; it is very safe the way I do it. Always remember, this iso stuff is highly flammable. Treat with great care.

Thanks for stopping by. Bye, eP.