Outdoor The Penguin goes al fresco

OK rather than let my thread die on a down note, I thought I would continue a bit further.
What is left of the harvest is in now, and being burped daily at the mo. Boy it is strong. It's all mixed up bar the HH which is purple and was easy to separate.

I no realise that I could never have coped with the sheer amount I had, but that was no excuse to steal it. it was my problem to deal with. But I digress. Again.

So, I now have four or five carrier bags of top notch trimmings of popcorn buds, sugar leaves and frosty bits. I have ordered a gallon of 99.9% isoprothingy for £15.00 off ebay. Got me some coffee filters and a strainer some dishes and jars.

Hash run here we come. Never done it before so I will get the worker meerkats to do the evaporating with a blow torch when I am well out the house.

Note to self....
rig up meercam to ensure they don't drink the iso !!!

If I stop posting, you know it went tits up.

avagudun, eP.
watch that iso bro i have seen a side of house melted and a dear friend had third dergree burns on both arms from the elbows down
Scary shit bro... A buddy of mine was once trying to make butaine oil... In a tent... While smoking.... He hasn't walked in 6 years.

Shits no joke...

watch that iso bro i have seen a side of house melted and a dear friend had third dergree burns on both arms from the elbows down
Scary shit bro... A buddy of mine was once trying to make butaine oil... In a tent... While smoking.... He hasn't walked in 6 years.

Shits no joke...

I wish more people knew the dangers! It's talked about so much in passing conversation, it's almost like people think "oh, i've smoke some joints ... and ripped a few bongs ... why not make some BHO (or something else with highly volatile flammable liquids/gases)

More awareness of the dangers (making it .... AND smoking it if it's not clean) is completely necessary!

*rant mode off* lol

I agree 100%

I hear people go off until their blue in the face about safety, and how stupid taking risks can be.... Yet the amount of accidents is fucking staggering!

Are we just complacent? Or is there just not enough readily available info?

Should we have an extraction safety tips thread? I'd hate to see a fellow AFN brother blow off an arm... Or worse...

I wish more people knew the dangers! It's talked about so much in passing conversation, it's almost like people think "oh, i've smoke some joints ... and ripped a few bongs ... why not make some BHO (or something else with highly volatile flammable liquids/gases)

More awareness of the dangers (making it .... AND smoking it if it's not clean) is completely necessary!

*rant mode off* lol

I knew I shouldn't let my cat run the butane extrations... But hey, at least insurance covered his plastic legs:
OK rather than let my thread die on a down note, I thought I would continue a bit further.
What is left of the harvest is in now, and being burped daily at the mo. Boy it is strong. It's all mixed up bar the HH which is purple and was easy to separate.

I no realise that I could never have coped with the sheer amount I had, but that was no excuse to steal it. it was my problem to deal with. But I digress. Again.

So, I now have four or five carrier bags of top notch trimmings of popcorn buds, sugar leaves and frosty bits. I have ordered a gallon of 99.9% isoprothingy for £15.00 off ebay. Got me some coffee filters and a strainer some dishes and jars.

Hash run here we come. Never done it before so I will get the worker meerkats to do the evaporating with a blow torch when I am well out the house.

Note to self....
rig up meercam to ensure they don't drink the iso !!!

If I stop posting, you know it went tits up.

avagudun, eP.

Thats the spirit sir. Don't let the thieving so and so's get you down or change who you are.

Please be careful with the isopropyl hash adventures, the percentage of misadventures is a lesson in itself.
By the way eP buddy, very sad to hear of the rip misfortune :/ I would be devastated too, but life goes on. Glad you're mostly well. Keep up the good spirits bro!
Once I get to the stage where by I get to vent off the iso, I wont heat it at all. I will put a fan on it for 24h and do it slowly. I can wait. Good things come to patient penguins.
Or I could sacrifice a meerkat or two with blow torches. Time will tell.

Thanks for your input. Any tips ????
