Outdoor The Penguin goes al fresco

I`ve ordered a new special one for ya buddy! (Water resistant to 50 metres...) :d5: Until it turns up, you`ll have t`borrow m`lucky cushion! (It`s a bit like having lucky pants, but softer ...just don`t tell SoH about the folks in the UK having such a thing as `lucky or Xmas Pants etc, or He`ll buy the lot up! :xlaugh:) :smoke:
But if Hobbes did have "Lucky Pants" would he wear them ?

Now there is a conundrum!
Yeah, He`d do it just t`wind us decent (pant wearing) folk up! "astros Wink wink.."
:hug: My good brother eP, glad to see you back now,.... :Sharing One:...and to see you grinding through this, coming to terms,... I was livid when I read what happened a while back! Many foul things came to my mind,...I'm just happy that there's still a little something left for you and Papa-P',... :Drag-On:.... :roflcry: Good point about our Hobbstah! :slaps:....Indeed he might, as the weather is turning, and pantsless days of care-free ventilation are coming to a seasonal close,...thank the Green Gods! ....time enough to heal the scarring on my minds eye :smoke: :Cheers:
OK rather than let my thread die on a down note, I thought I would continue a bit further.
What is left of the harvest is in now, and being burped daily at the mo. Boy it is strong. It's all mixed up bar the HH which is purple and was easy to separate.

I no realise that I could never have coped with the sheer amount I had, but that was no excuse to steal it. it was my problem to deal with. But I digress. Again.

So, I now have four or five carrier bags of top notch trimmings of popcorn buds, sugar leaves and frosty bits. I have ordered a gallon of 99.9% isoprothingy for £15.00 off ebay. Got me some coffee filters and a strainer some dishes and jars.

Hash run here we come. Never done it before so I will get the worker meerkats to do the evaporating with a blow torch when I am well out the house.

Note to self....
rig up meercam to ensure they don't drink the iso !!!

If I stop posting, you know it went tits up.

avagudun, eP.
Sorry Blue, I missed that episode. What happened ? Do you still have eyebrows?

Just caught up, really sorry to read that ep

Gotta say though mate your grow had security risks written all over it, as you know I didn't believe you at first as was so blatent, still no excuse for thieving scum I know

Just grow 5' 11" heigh ones next time and try and keep them below fence tops!

Take care buddy
Sorry Blue, I missed that episode. What happened ? Do you still have eyebrows?


haha - I didn't blow myself up becuase i carefully read all of the good advice here at AFN *teachers pet* :p

But the hassle of getting the ISO (in central london the chemists can get a bit "suspicuos") and then the process of the flat stinking (i know .. flat! alarm bells! lol) - and the results i got was shockingly bad! really discusting lol

That's just my experience with it - Undoubtably i made the stuff wrong (or just don't like hash much!) :)