Mephisto Genetics The Mephisto Genetics Project Thread!

Also testing out a nice super lemon haze cut in the flower room.

Wow, wow, wow!!!!

You read my mind, I was hoping you would balance your catalog with more Sativa and Haze varieties.

With Mephisto making autoflowers from the best cuttings from the best varieties in the world...I can buy all my seeds from one place.
How about a "sponsor a Green House program"

Mephisto lists a few varieties they are excited to work on, for example:

1. Mango Haze
2. Jack Herer
3. Blue Dream

We can voted for out favorite with pledges (promise of donations). When a variety gets enough funding to pay for the 2 year development and greenhouse, and lights, and electric.... then donations are paid and Mephisto starts sourcing the best cuttings and seeds...breeding begins.

In return for our donation we get a stickied thread here to watch the development. Of course, there is no guarantee that a breeding program will result in seeds worthy of the Mephisto Catalog, that is why it is donation. I already have enough Mephisto seeds for a while, but I want to encourage breeding of more great varieties. I promise to donate at least 200 towards one of the varieties Mephisto wants to work on.

Maybe some people would want seeds in return for a minimum donation. Maybe it is too complicated. It was just a thought, maybe just a THC brain fart.
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That's a cool idea, but really for us, it's not a case of needing extra money to get a project off the ground, it's space and time.
Whilst we already have a considerable list of projects in progress or about to get underway.
The support here is fantastic enough already, really couldn't ask for more there, but if people like what we are doing the very best thing is to spread the word, either by mouth or internet.
But, we're always open to ideas :)

Anyway as promised, here's a few close up's of the grape crinkle, the smell is amazing, the speed is decent, and the trichomes are thick and long, ooh err :)

grape crinkle 1s.jpg

grape crinkle 2 s.jpg

grape crinkle 3 s.jpg

The best two of these f2's have now been pollinated, and last night the breeding rejects were put in the greenhouse to finish up, I'll get some more photos of those as they develop.

Also last night, these were put in to germinate:

liversxblues seeds s.jpg

And Sour Livers F1 - Livers cut x Sour Crack
Sour livers seeds close s.jpg

Dat Grape Crinkle screams lets make some Rosin Brother. And Livers x Blues nice to see 2 Legendary Uk Cuts melt together. Btw check the Kinkydawgs wicked so far only 1 Phenotype. Ill also shoot You a Mail later. Think you know why.
I'm sure it will make a great plant for extraction, I'm also hoping as we've been selecting for crinkle dominant plants that it's mould resistance comes through, we'll not give them any treatment for mould in the greenhouse and see how they fair.
Okay mate, I'll look forward to your email.