New Grower The love shack!

Just enjoying the shit outta this one

Good morning AFN!
These two look like they are on the right track now. Got the new scale and feedings are on schedule with the new growth looking nice and green. Despite landing on her head with serious injuries the strawberry Fog will give use a little yield. I tied her back here and there to open up the smaller branches to the light so I may get a bit more out of her. For being at 48 days she definitely is stunted.
Temps are still running in the mid to high 80’s. Humidity stays between 40 & 50% and lights are at 21” with a 18/6 cycle.


Day 28 for the Hawaiian skunk and she is going strong. Raising the lights every other day to keep up with her growth. She’s showing me she is a girl with hairs all over the place (have to get a better camera, close ups are shitty) I haven’t done any training on this one yet but will have to top her some time. Do any of you have a suggestion on this? Do it now or later?

EDIT: I did do some leaf tucking so she did get a little lst:eyebrows:
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Funny thing is medical is here and trying to pass rec. Our friend/neighbor actually got a medical card, problem is her husband is a cop lol! Not a cop where we live, but still the fuze. So I cant talk to her about weed for I may slip and lessen my security. Once they pass rec I can breath and start my grow room. Under my porch is a storage space 17'x14'x7', I plan on building a nice grow room with veg/flower/drying along with spot for rosin press and whatever else I can come up with.
That’s a nice sized space for sure when you get it together you’ll have all kinds of girls in there
I’m holding off on running some Bad Dawg photo’s I won from @Alchemy till I am good and dialed in on my auto runs. Very exciting :cooldance:
Good Day, Good Day,Gooood Day!

Things are lookin good it the
The Shack!! the ole man said “you almost get stoned walk-in there” lmao. Oh little miss SF who fell on her face is in full flower and smells amazing. I topped the HS so let’s see what she will do from here.
Following the feed schedule I posted earlier seems to be doing the trick but still see some faint tip burn and light colored leaves. I was adjusting the PH prior to adding nutes but not after and found it was dropping after the add. So going forward need to PH after the add to make sure we are on point.
Temps: 79-89(just got a new AC)
Humidity: 40-50
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Just a quick update :smoking:
Took miss HS out and did some rearranging of her branches to open her up a bit with some lite defo. This girl hasn’t missed a beat.


Close up of my crippled SF
Got the AC installed in the lung room last nite. Think the girls are going to like it!!! Had 73deg this am. Seems like this HS is lovin’ that Bokashi I added to the Biobizz mix she is in beast mode!!!


SF still chugging along!!