New Grower The love shack!

Looks like we lost some posts with the AFN debacle. So we will play a little catch up:biggrin: I ended up starting a Hawaiian skunk [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] (dropped a bean in a puddle of water playing with em):shrug:plopped her in a shot glass for a couple days then into paper towel for 2.

Her first day was 6/30

And here she is at day 13. I added a cup of Bokashi to the Biobizz on this one for shits and giggles. Hey Mickey I think she likes it!!

And the star of the show!!!!
Strawberry FOG!

She did open up nicely for sure. Gonna let her dry out a bit. Bag is quite heavy since the flush I did.

Culled the old tomato plants and started anew lol. See if we can get it right this time.

Group shot

Keep it Sparky:smoking:
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:thanks: @Mcdee oh yeah she’s tight and secure. Not legal here yet but beginning of the year they should pass. If medical card your all set but we don’t have that. The pisser with that is you can’t purchase fire arms and we all about our guns:shooty:
These genetics are all the rage so far! This guy does have a good handle on it. I have all his gear from the 420 sale and can’t wait to run this Skunk#5 and all the others:smokeit:
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:thanks: @Mcdee oh yeah she’s tight and secure. Not legal here yet but beginning of the year they should pass. If medical card your all set but we don’t have that. The pisser with that is you can’t purchase fire arms and we all about our guns:shooty:
These genetics are all the rage so far! This guy does have a good handle on it. I have all his gear from the 420 sale and can’t wait to run this Skunk#5 and all the others:smokeit:
Funny thing is medical is here and trying to pass rec. Our friend/neighbor actually got a medical card, problem is her husband is a cop lol! Not a cop where we live, but still the fuze. So I cant talk to her about weed for I may slip and lessen my security. Once they pass rec I can breath and start my grow room. Under my porch is a storage space 17'x14'x7', I plan on building a nice grow room with veg/flower/drying along with spot for rosin press and whatever else I can come up with.
TRAGIC TIMES!! We brought out miss SF to water to 20% run off and my helper(Pops) got a little anxious and she tumbled onto her top breaking the main stem in 2 places and some other assorted damage. Tied her and taped the damage up but afraid it’s pretty f’ed up. Now If there is some good genetics in these baby’s we shall see what survival instincts she has. Pics tomorrow. To bummed right now.
OK it’s been a while since my last update :sad: so here we go. The SF @ 5 1/2 weeks had a terrible fall BUUUT she is in preflower. STUNTED OF COURSE But doing ok. Did run into some trouble with what look like Nute burn on my Hawaiian skunk and I thought wait a minute I didn’t add any!! Then it dawned on me that’s the problem she needed some because someone didn’t amend their soil:yoinks:GL to the rescue. Got a new scale coming in the mail(thank you Amazon and your next day delivery). This truly is a learning experience. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, so much info on AFN. :cheers:

Hawaiian skunk [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG]

Crippled Strawberry fog
OK it’s been a while since my last update :sad: so here we go. The SF @ 5 1/2 weeks had a terrible fall BUUUT she is in preflower. STUNTED OF COURSE But doing ok. Did run into some trouble with what look like Nute burn on my Hawaiian skunk and I thought wait a minute I didn’t add any!! Then it dawned on me that’s the problem she needed some because someone didn’t amend their soil:yoinks:GL to the rescue. Got a new scale coming in the mail(thank you Amazon and your next day delivery). This truly is a learning experience. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, so much info on AFN. :cheers:

Hawaiian skunk [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG]
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Crippled Strawberry fog
View attachment 1082267 View attachment 1082268

Nice catch Sparky ,,, they look Hungrrrrry


MrMagoo posted this a while back ... i've been laughing ever since

Nice catch Sparky ,,, they look Hungrrrrry


MrMagoo posted this a while back ... i've been laughing ever since

Thanks @blue I'm finding it more challenging than I thought having a grow space in a remote location and making such rookie mistakes. Having to be in three places at once makes it tuff and the days fly by fast enough already!! But I will say this. Ignoring the fact that doing an indoor grow is not as easy as throwing a seed in a pot of dirt and throwing some light on it. You really need to stay on your game and pay attention to details since you ARE playing Mother Nature in a closet and boy things can turn quickly!!!
after awhile growing becomes automatic. :growing:and if you don't get complacent. it will stay that way.:pass:
8A63AD40-33C9-4878-BDD3-5E6ADE2086C8.jpeg Stole this from someone on here and going to put it to good use!! Aaand then!!!
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