New Grower The Garden of Beavis

@Froot n Fuel

Thanks for stopping by! I wouldn't be surprised if the DG did pass up the SSOG. So far the DG has show so much more resilience than the Sam's. Almost no signs of deficiency from the Grape, where as Sam shows nearly everything I do wrong to her lol. It's been very interesting so far.

yeh i think Samsquanch can be a little sensitive, mine is a little upset at the moment but hopefully figured out why quickly enough.

the CDLC showing male bits, has the regular female bits too?
okay mate, keep a close eye on her. my CDLC did something similar when it was around 25 days old, but it was my first grow and i've chalked it up to stress caused by me. i removed the offending males parts and she grew out okay, just check each day that nothing else has developed. it is a risk though, and if some balls or a nanner get missed then there's a chance of pollinating the other girls, but you probably know that already.
@Froot n Fuel

Absolutely! Thank you for the heads up though. It is definitely from where I topped too early. I've been checking every 12 hrs very thoroughly. I've had to pluck a few spots that were questionable, and probably plucked too early lol just don't want to take any chances. I think she will eventually stabilize, but if not in a week I believe I will trash her.

Looks like the Double Grape is leading the pack now! And the smell that I get off of her when I rub her stalks is absolutely mesmerizing. :thumbsup: I rearranged a bit while watering/feeding late last night.

New nutes as well . Started full dose bloom nutes on the older girls. We will see how it goes!

DG back left, Sam's back right, CDLCs in front

Close ups of DG

Sam's close ups



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@Froot n Fuel

By the way when I smelled the Double Grape for the first time yesterday, I immediately thought of your username lol. To me that's exactly what she is smelling like!
they look good mate, right where you want them.

nice lineup of nutrients - i used to use Advanced myself, but before i switched to RO water and i didn't have the smoothest grows with them, but i think you'll do better if you're using distilled throughout. have you a PPM/EC meter at all?

Double Grape is an awesome strain and quite unlike anything i'd smoked before. plus it's consistently one of the frostiest and prettiest plants i've ever seen...that helps too :eyebrows:
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No ppm meter yet just the pH meter. These seem like they would be a lot lower than the fox farms stuff that I was using though. Lots of sediment in the fox farms trio! That's basically what ppm/EC measures right? Like amount of sediment and particulates in the water?

I have noticed noting but great things so far from the advanced switch, especially using the root zone additives (voodoo juice and piranha). But overall the grow is still very young so only time will tell how they really respond to my feeding regime lol. I am sure there will be a lot that I fudge on along the way.
yeh, gives you an indication of the parts-per-million within the water. if you have lots of additives like with the AN lineup, i'd suggest picking one up (they're not really like PH pens, a cheap one is good enough) so you can see how "hot" the feed is. i would have had more success earlier on if i had one of these and considering they can be had for less than a tenner, i recommend to everyone now. not essential, but massively helpful.
Thanks for the recommendation. I actually have one in my amazon cart right now but I have not been wanting to order from them at the moment..spent a lot already. But the next order has a ppm meter, some jar sized hygrometers for harvest time, a USB microscope, and the list will keep growing I am sure. I'm hoping soon I will have everything needed.

Here's a little video of some close shots of my two older girls. Tried to upload a better one with all around shots but imgur was not having it.