New Grower Garden of the Hesperides: II

I will do that tonight. I was upping the water slowly from seedling time until I started getting a dribble of runoff which was right around the 1.2L which is almost perfectly the 10%.

I was not watering everyday but perhaps I need to. I was basing it on how the top felt sticking a finger in a bit. That and weight.
I will do that tonight. I was upping the water slowly from seedling time until I started getting a dribble of runoff which was right around the 1.2L which is almost perfectly the 10%.

I was not watering everyday but perhaps I need to. I was basing it on how the top felt sticking a finger in a bit. That and weight.
Checking the top few inches is kinda sketchy in fabric pots because of how they dry out from all sides.. If the top few inches are dry, it's probably dry much lower as well. Think about it like this, if you worked your ass off for 18hrs a day, 7 days a week, under intense bright light, how often would you need water? Would you go two days between drinks, lol.. I try to think of my plants as living breathing feeling things. It helps me, lol. As soil dries out, roots die (or prune if they can), nutrient flow slows or stops, pockets can form, and soil compaction can start as well. The 1.2 liters for a 3 gallon pot is a solid amount. It just needs to be done more frequently.
Is the 1.2 liters every day? I think the pots are drying faster than you may expect. I'm assuming the 1.2 liters is based off of the 10% rule... The 10% rule is applied daily.. I don't let my soil pots dry out at all. Soil should always be moist. If/when you're using fabric pots they can, and often do, dry from the bottom up. Or from the middle up or down.. All depending on the air flow and fan location. If you're waiting 2-3 days between the 1.2 liter waterings, that too long. It's really hard to over water in a fabric pot because of how fast they dry.. I'd give one of those plants a good watering with plain water and see if it responds. Like a half gallon through the 3 gallon pot
My 24ks are 3 or 4 days ahead of you. In 3 gal cloth pot some need 1.5 L day some 1.5 L twice a day. Which is only a slight bit of runoff at most
Day 43: Start of week 7

Sorry about the lack of pictorial updates. I lost my SD card somewhere between camera and computer! I've been shooting with an old point-n-shoot digital as it simply can't imprint any metadata like my phone could.

Additions in the last few days:

Day 39 Wednesday : Fed 300ppm AN Sensi Grow A/B in 1.2L water
Day 40 Thursday : 2L water - lots of runofff
Day 41 Friday : 2L water - less runoff - odd? Soil absorbed better
Day 42 Saturday : 2L water plus 8ml of Miicrobial Mass. Their schedule recs 4ml/L at this point

Day 43 Sunday: Today!

Current environment: 79f/26.1c and 68%rh
Just 200ml of water with a bit of molasses to feed the MM microbes I put in yesterday. Soil is still quite wet, the pot is heavy, and I had to place a second runoff dish as the first one developed a hole and started leaking!

Pics: Still looking limey as heck and droopy. I think I see some flowering/trichs developing but I can't tell for certain. Should I start adding bloom nutrients and aim for higher ppm numbers?


Do you see some precious nubbies starting? I think so.


I still think it looks droopy despite all the extra water. I'm hesitant to add anymore until it dries out a bit. Maybe in the next day or two we will see it perk up.


The dual riser setup as the black ring sticks out as I want, but didn't fit in the first tray nicely. Now the tray is leaking so had to buy a larger one anyways and could have got away with just the one riser. Ah well, stacked and contained.

Day 43: Start of week 7

Sorry about the lack of pictorial updates. I lost my SD card somewhere between camera and computer! I've been shooting with an old point-n-shoot digital as it simply can't imprint any metadata like my phone could.

Additions in the last few days:

Day 39 Wednesday : Fed 300ppm AN Sensi Grow A/B in 1.2L water
Day 40 Thursday : 2L water - lots of runofff
Day 41 Friday : 2L water - less runoff - odd? Soil absorbed better
Day 42 Saturday : 2L water plus 8ml of Miicrobial Mass. Their schedule recs 4ml/L at this point

Day 43 Sunday: Today!

Current environment: 79f/26.1c and 68%rh
Just 200ml of water with a bit of molasses to feed the MM microbes I put in yesterday. Soil is still quite wet, the pot is heavy, and I had to place a second runoff dish as the first one developed a hole and started leaking!

Pics: Still looking limey as heck and droopy. I think I see some flowering/trichs developing but I can't tell for certain. Should I start adding bloom nutrients and aim for higher ppm numbers?

View attachment 1306495

Do you see some precious nubbies starting? I think so.

View attachment 1306496

I still think it looks droopy despite all the extra water. I'm hesitant to add anymore until it dries out a bit. Maybe in the next day or two we will see it perk up.

View attachment 1306497

The dual riser setup as the black ring sticks out as I want, but didn't fit in the first tray nicely. Now the tray is leaking so had to buy a larger one anyways and could have got away with just the one riser. Ah well, stacked and contained.

View attachment 1306500

68% RH @79f is pretty high RH imo....55 to 60%rh at that temperature is what I'd be shooting for at this stage .. for whatever that is worth :shrug:
I was thinking the same thing but, according to VPD charts I'm smack dab in the green. I "feel" like it should be lower but all the science says no. Not sure which way to go with it. I did drop the calibration a couple points to start getting it more towards 65% out of caution.

Both of these say I'm in good range:

I was thinking the same thing but, according to VPD charts I'm smack dab in the green. I "feel" like it should be lower but all the science says no. Not sure which way to go with it. I did drop the calibration a couple points to start getting it more towards 65% out of caution.

Both of these say I'm in good range:

Do you know your leaf temperature? I don't see where either of those charts account for leaf temperature difference. Also, bottom chart you posted says
  • Temperature: 75-78F
  • Relative Humidity: 60-65%

This is the VPD caculator I use. Insert my numbers and get a VPD. Also, the article talks about what the VPD range is for different stages of growth. According to them, your in seedling mode with a -2F leaf temperature :shrug:

From the Pulse web site:
  1. Ideal VPD for Clones
    • Clones are baby plants, they can’t handle a lot of stress because they are still just trying to form roots. Target a higher humidity and VPD closer to the lower end of the general range.
    • The ideal VPD for clones is closer to 0.8 kPa.
  2. Ideal VPD for Vegetative Stage
    • In veg (vegetative) stage the plants are bigger and more robust. You can reduce the humidity in your environment to increase VPD. This will increase water and nutrient uptake, but you don’t want to increase VPD too much. This will cause the stomata of the plants to close, causing them to absorb less CO2. CO2 is particularly important in the vegetative stage, because that’s the main ingredient that plants use to grow large.
    • The ideal VPD for the vegetative stage is close to the middle of the general range, around 1.0 kPa.
  3. Ideal VPD for Flower Stage
    • In flower stage the plants are robust, but the flowers are sensitive to various issues. You need to avoid excess humidity.
    • The ideal VPD for the flower stage is closer to the top end of the range, 1.2kPa – 1.5kPa.

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