Your VPD is 0.70kPaI was thinking the same thing but, according to VPD charts I'm smack dab in the green. I "feel" like it should be lower but all the science says no. Not sure which way to go with it. I did drop the calibration a couple points to start getting it more towards 65% out of caution.
Both of these say I'm in good range:
VPD Chart For Smart LED Grow Lights For Cannabis - ScynceLED
Find out what is an optimal range for your plants when using smart LED grow lights and how to dial in a proper VPD for maximum
VPD Chart (Vapor Pressure Deficit) - Perfect Grower Knowledge Database
VPD Chart (Vapor Pressure Deficit) by Perfect
You're in early to mid flower/ You're less than what is optimal for veg. I would shoot for a minimum of 1.2kPa