What is this.. a led thread..blahh blahh blahh....there is a reason why they keep coming out with new leds non stop....they all suck!!

315 LEC...UNCOMPARABLE...tricome production for one...is ridiculous...the growth rate punishes all others...bad ass light....buds are fat and full of resin...you could make a paint brush with all the hairs that explode from it...


What is this.. a led thread..blahh blahh blahh....there is a reason why they keep coming out with new leds non stop....they all suck!!

315 LEC...UNCOMPARABLE...tricome production for one...is ridiculous...the growth rate punishes all others...bad ass light....buds are fat and full of resin...you could make a paint brush with all the hairs that explode from it...


old tech outdated bud... but then again I have seen what you call nice plants so I understand...
Green no offence but u clearly know fuck all about leds.todays techology and people striving to make awsome lights.dont knock it until u tried it;) so laugh all u want lol.id be game for a grow off anytime my light vs ur light.ul see what leds can do;).i have the perfect led spectrum ,my plants are growing insanly fast and strong;) and trichcome production is about perfect enviroment and grower skill and top plant health;).not light.u can get frosty nugs with cfls lol.happy growing every1;)
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There have been many top growers that switched to led and never went back to many to count.. the old tech works no doubt but I am running 300 watts and get the lumens of well over 1000 watt hid. Great spectrum.. it is always funny when you get someone's reaction after they fire up a COB.. can not wait to see what @budelee has to say after his light is finished and he fires it up.
You guys are too much...I believe you guys believe in them...but you will never make me a believer...@autobeast I've seen what they can do..even the cob's...that's why I went with the lec...and have proven my case with it...I ain't no newbie...I've been around the ball park for a long while... I obviously don't need to know Fuck all to beat you guys...:thumbsup::thumbsup:

56 pages of Shit talking already..lol..love it
There have been many top growers that switched to led and never went back to many to count.. the old tech works no doubt but I am running 300 watts and get the lumens of well over 1000 watt hid. Great spectrum.. it is always funny when you get someone's reaction after they fire up a COB.. can not wait to see what @budelee has to say after his light is finished and he fires it up.
Thanks for the mention Rip, and your help was/is greatly appreciated with the build,im on a temp hold to get a few more items(like sunglasses)but ill keep everyone informed!!
I was going to post a wealth of information that I've acquired through years of experience and countless hours of intensive research to help @Green75 see the light (pun intended), but trying to convince a closed mind is like trying to close an awakend mind.
oh damn looks like i missed a lot of trash going on in here! @grweenie when yer at the bottom of the shit pile,try not to smile,okay!! Im not sure which site you came from but when we send you back in a box yer friends will know the Wrath of AFN!!!