But would it not be fun to talk just a little trash and get to know about the people here? There is not one magic light, one magic soil, one magic nute that is the best. Lol, we would all be doing the same boring thing. Hell, if this niob wasn't going to kick everyone's ass id drop out because it is getting kinda silly instead of fun.


I'd say I'm getting to now you guys quite well...good crowd...long while left to socialize...

What do want to know about me...
I'd say I'm getting to now you guys quite well...good crowd...long while left to socialize...

What do want to know about me...

How long have you mainlined autos? Why do you use cfl's?

Or maybe your favorite smoke?
Ohhh a spot interview @Dudeski ?? I never heard of grilling turds...kidding
How long have you mainlined autos? Why do you use cfl's?

Or maybe your favorite smoke?

I've only grown four autos...only started growing them to prove to the people on another forum that they could be heavily defoliated and cut on and still give a good yield...the only reason she sees 12 hrs of cfls is because my tent with the 315 lec is full of photo girls right now..so I bring her in and out...not ideal I know...but all my autos have been under cfls so far and I've killed it under them...my next tent grow will be full of autos...all my grows except this one are test grows for seedsman seeds...good company....fast buds emailed me the other day and offered to send me some seeds...hope that developes into a good relationship as well...

BlackBerry auto from fast buds is my favorite...was pissed cause I had one left and was saving it...but then this competition happened..
I think cfl will grow nice plants for sure. Nothing wrong with them at all. We have quite a few who top, fim, and even ole budelee has tortured a plant or two.

Ill make sure to try the blackberry, it sounds great.
Good Morning [HASHTAG]#AFNGladiators[/HASHTAG] ...
..I can smell Green75 Smiling..:coffee:

We do realise that this is a [HASHTAG]#Growbattle[/HASHTAG] and we are supposed to be trash talking huh...:blahblah:..

Well I don't have to talk my plant will do that for me.

:smoker: Proof is in the Pudding..

Rules read, I'd love to go up against some of the best growers around a friendly competition among stoners can't get better then that... Bring your A game guys

Hopefully..this will be the first of many..:headbang:..I know @Hansbricks is talking about trying to get a [HASHTAG]#sweet seeds[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#growbattle[/HASHTAG] going soon and we have an Outdoor Auto Grow Battle coming off around May..

This is amazing honestly just skeemed thru the first few pages I'd truly be honored to be in this contest [HASHTAG]#AfN[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#GrowerOfTheYearBattle[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#AutoWarriors[/HASHTAG]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

FUN @IzzyTheGrower :headbang:..that is what Auto Growing Should be about ..it is up to US to make it happen... [HASHTAG]#smoke cannabis live with friends[/HASHTAG] :pass:

Ripper what light u gna be running is it led?;)

Hmm..I hadn't Thought about it coming down to a [HASHTAG]#Battle[/HASHTAG]ofTheLightsBrigade :coffee:..even More Interesting....:vibe:.

I think you're mistaken by my count you've only been talking s*** for 54 pages.


I'm humble enough to admit that most of you are better growers than me, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass in this competition! If nothing else I intend to steal all of your hard earned knowledge to become the best grower of all time!

And That is where we Hope it will end up...:headbang:..If @Green75 has the Best method of growing great Autos..I'll be the first Watching his Method..

If clf's outgrow LED's..I'll be the first following the research..:headbang:..and if we can say to every new member who joins site..look there is a [HASHTAG]#fastbuds[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#growbattle[/HASHTAG] kicking off in 10 days time..why don't you join in..
it is a lot More Rewarding for them than setting up a grow diary that gets no traffic because they know no-one on site...:headbang:

Win-Win [HASHTAG]#GoGladiators[/HASHTAG] :amazon:.. [HASHTAG]#AutoflowergrowingjustgotCompetitive[/HASHTAG]