Some more pics of Hazey's work

Five plants, three 15L pots = One hedgerow


Add some feed and water, and it becomes a forest.


Blackberry kush

AutoUltimate understorey

All grown in autopots with coco (I think) and under LED
Sounds like a plan I would not mind watching.. I can understand small space growers have to do what they have to do. And I think it is cool that to watch but while I see some training techniques on some long running autos that produce some yield I also think it can hurt you with other strains.. I base this one what I have seen in many many many pictures..

Yeah, the growers would have to pick strains they've worked with to have a good chance. Could have the best plant in three weight classes, give minimum training requirements and see who could pull off training and size.
Soinds like a plan is coming together!!! I'll wait for details but i have three XXL sprouts that would be prime for that comp!!
Here's a a few of today's snaps of my Dinafem Fruit Auto.

As i mentioned the other day I put my COBs down to low and got a bit of light stress but the lights went back and all is good again.
I'm leaving them alone now apart from some defoliation, when needed to let the light & air in to those bud sites.
The cab is starting to get a nice funk going on and when I open the door it hits you.
This is Dinafems Fruit Auto which is their take on "Grapefruit".
When I look through the seed banks you suddenly notice how many strains are Grapefruit related.
My biggest complaint though is that when looking for Grape Strains,more than half the strains are actually grapefruit strains.
I really wish seed sellers would realize this and make a couple of sub sections, one for Grapefruit strains and one for Grape strains!
this would make it a whole lot easier to find what your looking for, especially as they both start with the word "Grape"
When you guys get together what you want lay out all out in the challenge thread and I will start you all a thread.
Sounds great @Ripper bro, I'd be up for that and I have also been invited to do an autopot grow, so maybe I could combine those two together.
It will have to be after my next grow though, I'm planning a special "Stunting" (Compact Auto Flower SOG or CAF-SOG) something I was chatting to pop22 about although he may have his own methods.
If the timing is right pop22 might be joining me doing it, maybe pop22 and I could make it a grow off battle , I dunno we will see where we both sit nearer the time.
For the moment I will keep the details under wraps but it should be a nice grow and a bit of a laugh.
912Greenskell has been trying this style too and I been giving Habitual a few pointer recently, so I need to follow that up and check his grow.
I first show cased it in a grow here 3 years ago.
Maybe we could have a CAF-SOG grow off?
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Day 22
Was helping a buddy celebrate his birthday yesterday, so got way to blitzed to be uploading pictures. These are from yesterday morning while I was still sober enough to be baking his canna-birthday cake.

Fast Buds Grapefruit

Fast Buds G14

Group Shot