Hey green, I'm loving your plants and i also like to try many different grow styles too.:thumbsup:
I'm gonna come out of my "Grow Battle" persona here, seeing as your new to the forums!.:yeah:

I have been working autos since they first came out and it's lots of fun, especially if your told you can't or shouldn't do something and you find out you can!:smoking:
So just keep doing it the way you are and I hope you have great success in the competition!:toke:
The thing is this is a competition, you have a "Grow Battle Gladiator" badge, so In this part of the forum , "trash talk is allowed" as long as it isn't totally inflammatory or abusive..:amazon:
Have a laugh and talk trash but with your tongue firmly in you cheek, there's nothing wrong with a bit of banter,buffoonery and ribaldry, among you guys as long as it is in good jest.:greencheck:
You know like the wrestlers do, all hot air & entertainment.:joy:
If you talk a big game that's cool, all you have to do is then follow it up, I'm sure your capable of that!:hump:
There are many ways to skin a cat and we have seen a vast array of ways to grow this wonderful plant, there is no right or wrong way, the winner of each round will be judged on their merits, so grow the best you can.:smokeit:
No one is going to be like ....what the fu.... we have seen it all before and I hope you can put on a proper good grow, to show off your growing skills.:goodluck:
Please have a look at the rest of the forums, we live by the AFN vibe, which is "Be nice and and helpful to all members" the rules are a little different here this is a "Grow Battle" as I have already mentioned.:cheers:
When your in a "Grow Battle" you need to be a warrior, be brave, have courage and show valor and use your grow skills to defeat all the other grows but also have fun with the other "Grow Battle Gladiators" as well!:smokeout:
If you ever need a hand in the forums be sure to let me know and I'll help you in any way that I can but in this section,the "Grow Battle" , I reserve the right to be a bit of a dick for entertainments sake!:pighug:
Have fun brother and don't take the ribbings to heart, we all grow in different ways, your job is to be an ambassador to your grow style!:vibe:
It's great to have your here with us and I look forward to seeing what you can do!:headbang:

All the best

I'm all for talking shit...but that was not Shit talking...that was ignorance showing through... He was serious as Hell...

All good tho... I'm used to people talking shit on their unknown knowledge...lol

It's funny really...

you guys are great here lots of knowledge flowing around...glad I'm involved...

How's that for a good ribbing...:pighug:
@arty zan

Thanks man..have not had time to surf around this forum much...there is alot going on here at afn...cool place...thanks for offering to help out...Will probably need it...
Each to their own brother, just let it wash over you and keep doing what you do!
Proof is in the pudding, you would not believe how many times I have been told I can't do something.
The thing is some growers have lots of space and so the importance on maximizing yield doesn't have the same implications.
I have had to be very adaptable and have had to grow in some tiny spaces like a pc case, small wardrobes etc.
This situations have also challenged me in other ways too, like having to build lights and carbon filters that fit those small spaces.
Training techniques is something I love and I enjoy playing with my plants, SOG, SCRoG,FIM,Topping,LST,HST, Defoliation but I still have yet to give Manifold (Mainlining) and Bud doubling a go.
I have also grown in rockwool slabs,clay pebbles, organic soil and coco (which I am currently growing in) I also have some DWC and Autopots in the wings which need to get an airing and I would also like to try "Hempy Buckets" with Perlite (maybe a perlite/vermiculite mix) too!
I have never been interested in NFT or Aeroponics but who knows I may give it a go someday.
I am also interested in trying BioTabs an organic way of doing hydro grows, either with plain water delivered to the top of the pot with drip irrigation or "Floraflex" inserts or with plain water delivered to the bottom of the pots with the "Autopot System". If I ever get the space then a RDWC would be nice too.
There is a Jamaican saying " You can't know everything about cooking curry", so many cultures have different ways of making curry and each individual person does it to their own taste, there is no way anyone can say their way is the right way!

One place i'd suggest would be right up your alley is this thread hst-topping-scrog-mainline-fimming-circular-training-supercropping-by-budelee

I know you know @budelee & he is a top bloke, we work closely together on a number of different forum duties.
This is a great thread he has set up and it would benefit from you adding your Maniflod/Mainlining grow style.
Like Budelee says , if we share our training techniques, we will all benefit and grow together!
I hope you drop by.
Live Stoners Chat forum is a great place to meet people and there are a number of regulars who hang out there shooting the breeze and chewing the fat.
In Live Stoners you will find out whats going on in the forums and the people are so friendly.
We also have Live Interviews with some of the canna industries leading companies (Grow equipment, nutrients, seeds, vaporizers etc) as well as interviewing our staff members.
The interviews are generally held on a Friday and if your online at the time then you will be tagged, there are also in forum posters (in Live Stoners) saying who and what time it starts.
We also like to party just before the interview to get the vibe pumping!
Also look at the header banners too they also say when the Live Interviews are being held.
I'll give you a link to Live Stoners and to the Interviews archive so you can peruse it at your leisure.
Live Stoner Chat
Auto Warriors Live Interviews Archive

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@arty zan

Thanks man..have not had time to surf around this forum much...there is alot going on here at afn...cool place...thanks for offering to help out...Will probably need it...

Tell me about it!!!! Trying to keep up can be a bit of a task but it does mean there is always something to see and read!
If you start a thread or grow journal, it never a bad thing to tag people to it to get some momentum going.
Also adding grow journals to you signature can help too.
With so much going on it can be easy to over look Journals, so a little self promotion can be useful, just don't go crazy or it can look a little spammy, if you get my meaning.
Meeting people in LS is a good way to start to get to know people as well as commenting in other peoples threads.
If you get stuck give me a shout and I'll point you in the right direction, just be aware I also have a lot of behind the scenes work to do, so time can be limited.
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@arty zan thanks again man...I agree having to adapt to different grow spaces is challenging...always trying to reinvent the wheel...I've grown plants in all different kinds of ways...just to see the outcome...it's fun and you learn alot from it...I've been growing pot for over 20 years and have had a blast doing it...

I also have looked into flora flex...looks super simple with great results!!

Can't imagine the time it takes to run this site..kudos to you!!

@arty zan thanks again man...I agree having to adapt to different grow spaces is challenging...always trying to reinvent the wheel...I've grown plants in all different kinds of ways...just to see the outcome...it's fun and you learn alot from it...I've been growing pot for over 20 years and have had a blast doing it...

I also have looked into flora flex...looks super simple with great results!!

Can't imagine the time it takes to run this site..kudos to you!!

Thanks buddy much appreciated.:d5:
There is a whole team of dedicated Mods, Global Mods and Admins, who work tirelessly to keep improving the site and all of it is voluntary too!
There is always something to be done but there has to be a work/life balance, the site is a demanding mistress, who is always hungry regardless of how much time you put in.
It is however very rewarding and the members are fantastic, so we do get to feel that love!

The floraflex system looks nice but I will have to do my autopot grow first, seeing I have the full kit and kaboodle including 8.5 liter, 11 liter and 15 liter XL autopots.
Hansbricks does a lot of Autopot grows if your interested.
BioTabs organic hydro tabs, are also recommended for using the autopot system and they will be coming to the US soon!
I'm all for talking shit...but that was not Shit talking...that was ignorance showing through... He was serious as Hell...

All good tho... I'm used to people talking shit on their unknown knowledge...lol

It's funny really...

you guys are great here lots of knowledge flowing around...glad I'm involved...

How's that for a good ribbing...:pighug:
I clearly struck a nerve with you I see and I was not even trying .. I was giving an opinion cause I still don't see the advantage of what you are doing. But I guess time will tell.
I clearly struck a nerve with you I see and I was not even trying .. I was giving an opinion cause I still don't see the advantage of what you are doing. But I guess time will tell.

I would not of thought twice about it..but this was your second time doing it...so I said something...it's in the past now...No sweat dude. ...let's smoke one!!

Just harvested unknown BAG seed solo cup grow...just cause...

