I can see doing that to a photo period as you can wait to flip it.. but with an auto in my opinion you are going to hurt your yield.. just my opinion not picking on anyone. It is just overkill on an auto.. doubt that plant produces 50 grams dry.. while mine with simple leaf tucking is going to produce over 100.
I can see doing that to a photo period as you can wait to flip it.. but with an auto in my opinion you are going to hurt your yield.. just my opinion not picking on anyone. It is just overkill on an auto.. doubt that plant produces 50 grams dry.. while mine with simple leaf tucking is going to produce over 100.
Heres my mainline at trim time.. Dry weight was about 140 grams.. The purpose of most of my training methods is to show that no matter the vertical height limitations( even tho i can grow four footers,i dont like to),an awesome plant can still be grown with near 0 popcorn.. I could fit 10 mainlines under an HID lamp, that would be over 1400 grams per harvest,but i like to keep things different and interesting..
on another note.. I had to get some cal/mag today and i say it all the time,a good store will share samples( rather than the employees keeping them all) all you have to do is ask..earth juice and mammoth P samples today!!
I can see doing that to a photo period as you can wait to flip it.. but with an auto in my opinion you are going to hurt your yield.. just my opinion not picking on anyone. It is just overkill on an auto.. doubt that plant produces 50 grams dry.. while mine with simple leaf tucking is going to produce over 100.

Man your quick to diss my plants.. and your a staff member here...great example your setting for new comers looking in...just saying...I don't feel your shade tho

...I've already posted pictures of what the outcome will be...last one got shy of
4 ozs. This one will be more...there will be no underbud...

Just enjoy the show bro...:thumbsup::thumbsup::peace:
All looking good at the Lee camp.. View attachment 711156This first pic is Ugly Betty..shes getting her swan onView attachment 711157this is Gidget( and no she not a midget)..bwahaha...View attachment 711158third pic is Toe-Knee..shes getting her bush goingView attachment 711159this is a crystal meth getting ready for chopView attachment 711163heres a group shot..the three untrained plants are looking christmas tree shape.boring as feck.I have a hard time with plants that dont get trained,but this will be a comparative grow to see if the HST improves yield... The ppm was bumped up to give em a push,ill keep upping every third feed until i find the burn threshold...
Looking good mate...nice plants
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Man your quick to diss my plants.. and your a staff member here...great example your setting for new comers looking in...just saying...I don't feel your shade tho

...I've already posted pictures of what the outcome will be...last one got shy of
4 ozs. This one will be more...there will be no underbud...

Just enjoy the show bro...:thumbsup::thumbsup::peace:

Hey green, I'm loving your plants and i also like to try many different grow styles too.:thumbsup:
I'm gonna come out of my "Grow Battle" persona here, seeing as your new to the forums!.:yeah:

I have been working autos since they first came out and it's lots of fun, especially if your told you can't or shouldn't do something and you find out you can!:smoking:
So just keep doing it the way you are and I hope you have great success in the competition!:toke:
The thing is this is a competition, you have a "Grow Battle Gladiator" badge, so In this part of the forum , "trash talk is allowed" as long as it isn't totally inflammatory or abusive..:amazon:
Have a laugh and talk trash but with your tongue firmly in you cheek, there's nothing wrong with a bit of banter,buffoonery and ribaldry, among you guys as long as it is in good jest.:greencheck:
You know like the wrestlers do, all hot air & entertainment.:joy:
If you talk a big game that's cool, all you have to do is then follow it up, I'm sure your capable of that!:hump:
There are many ways to skin a cat and we have seen a vast array of ways to grow this wonderful plant, there is no right or wrong way, the winner of each round will be judged on their merits, so grow the best you can.:smokeit:
No one is going to be like ....what the fu.... we have seen it all before and I hope you can put on a proper good grow, to show off your growing skills.:goodluck:
Please have a look at the rest of the forums, we live by the AFN vibe, which is "Be nice and and helpful to all members" the rules are a little different here this is a "Grow Battle" as I have already mentioned.:cheers:
When your in a "Grow Battle" you need to be a warrior, be brave, have courage and show valor and use your grow skills to defeat all the other grows but also have fun with the other "Grow Battle Gladiators" as well!:smokeout:
If you ever need a hand in the forums be sure to let me know and I'll help you in any way that I can but in this section,the "Grow Battle" , I reserve the right to be a bit of a dick for entertainments sake!:pighug:
Have fun brother and don't take the ribbings to heart, we all grow in different ways, your job is to be an ambassador to your grow style!:vibe:
It's great to have your here with us and I look forward to seeing what you can do!:headbang:

All the best
