New Grower The F'ing Finally Grows - first time grower, semi-perpetual

Yeah that's probably going to be the solution. We'll give it another couple days just to see how things shake out, and then decide.
Such a bummer after going to the trouble of doing a nice frame build :(
I'll probably take it apart for long term storage, just wasn't planning to have to do it so soon.

Anyhow, most of the work will apparently be external, so we may be able to get away with it. For now, tent is up in quick teardown state - lights and tent only, no fan/filter. Took us under an hour all told to take down and put back up, so we'll probably just do that as necessary for the next couple of days. Should be wiser tomorrow.

In other news, I don't know if it's these specific genetics or what but marijuana in general is, so far, the most vigorous plant I've ever grown. The 3BOG in particular is moving way faster than I ever expected.
3BOG just fed 300ml@~0.5 EC (300ppm on 640 scale), ~5.8 PH (still using dripper, so this is very much an approximation), which comes to 0.5ml/l of both my base nute (4-2-6, .75 cal, .9 mg, plus trace micros) and AN Calmax (4-0-0, 3.2 cal, 1.1 mg). Trying not to let her dry out too significantly, but also not to oversaturate. Hopefully, that's not too strong a feed.

Sweet Skunk still very wet, probably slightly over watered. Will let her dry out. Like I said, plan is to run her water only, maybe a bit of nutes down the line as necessary. Might be hard though - water here is desalinated, so pretty soft at ~.2 EC out the tap, ~.1 Britta-ed - so she'll probably get fed some sooner rather than later.
Quick update (Day 5, I guess):
3BOG girl got another 250 ml of the same feed, seems to be doing well. Good growth compared with the last pic.

The Sweet Skunk appears to be into mild bondage. Might see if she's into knifeplay down the line:
Sweet Skunk looking a little paler today, but seems to be growing faster (still running on the same watering, will get a light feed with next watering if it's still pale).
3BOG growing too, but not quite as fast. Greener though. Got ~400ml of the same feed today, which was enough for runoff. Thought it'd take more. Runoff measured ~120ppm, but it was pretty dirty so not sure what to make of that. Either way, she's eating at least 200ppm, so I think that means the feed was pretty okay. Pareto principle and what not.

I have pics if anyone wants em but the difference is negligible. Skunk's leaves are fatter, 3BOG's a bit longer, and both are showing slightly more of their second set.
3BOG got another ~400ml feed, of which ~50% went to runoff. Probably didn't need the watering, then. Gonna let her dry out a little longer this time around.
Sweet Skunk is trucking along.

Neither girl is looking quite as good as they look in other people's journals, but that's to be expected - both my first grow and they've had to move more than ideal over the past week. Luckily, all that should be finished by the weekend/early next week, so hopefully they can have some peace and quiet for the rest of their natural lives. Also, I hope to have a Sour Stomper going next week. Same set up as the 3BOG. Considering precharging the coco this time - any advice?
Another little feed for 3BOG today (250ml) which barely gave any run off (less than 10%), so probably the right amount. That said, run off itself was about twice the EC as the feed itself. I figure that's not a huge deal - probably has to do with some slight build up due to overwatering, then overdrying, and mostly due to the roots not reaching deep enough in the pot. Plant itself looks fine, so I've decided not to panic.

Sweet Skunk is still going for it, riding that same first watering. I'm kind of worried it might do too well. Leaves are fatter, which I dig (I love me some fat); IRL, color is the same, not sure why the camera readjusted white balance. Anyway, some of our houseplants in the very same soil have had problems with fungus gnats, so I threw in a yellow sticky thing and gave it some neem oil. Hopefully that does the trick and doesn't kill it. No signs of problem in the tent yet, so might not be the soil itself.