Indoor The Elvis does DRAGON'S..

Merry Christmas Elvis :tiphat: hope u had a great one! Your ladies are looking good brother, the cc is getting her stretch on nicely!
Merry Christmas Elvis :tiphat: hope u had a great one! Your ladies are looking good brother, the cc is getting her stretch on nicely!

thanks bro cant wait to smoke the cheese candy kush! :d5:
Keep on doing your thang Elvis. Looking good there pal.

The babies are purty!

cheesus D russsian D both on AN nute and thriving!

just need a little fem karma!

elvis smile.jpg

20.jpg purtty babies..

22.jpgmore purty dragons!

:Drag-On:elvis gutiar.jpg
23.jpgStraw LST method !! just waiting on the 5th cola !
this was dec 17th

this is today dec 28 about 10 days amazing!
122.jpg the stretch!!

1212.jpg not to long!
Beautiful ...Looks like the 3Rd on the right. Is a Red Posion...

Thers also some Crazy Mutated ohenos if s Funky frosty girl in there i think its a Cream Caramel gone Cray Cray but the. Ud u get it still Stellar !
sure C.C ill show ya her life cycle..

here she is with a odd hollow leaf as a top.

Here she is with her fat fan leaf as a main top.

CC then I noticed her real main top was closed up inside that leaf stem.

So i took a clean knife and sliced that stem from the bottom to the top.

then her real main top was able to grow like it should. i did not top her so the main stem is not split .

here is what her main stem looks like today.
1229140953a[1].jpg Im using the straws the open her up to get more light down inside her so this main top will grow taller than the 4 other colas.

she not the biggest auto and mutant as hell but frosty! shes 52 days old now.
1229140953[1].jpg small but purty!

swamp here is that DD or some other sweet black cream I cant tell the difference. smell like the other DD i grew. shes also a Hermie and im snippin a few ball off every 4 days or so very miner none have opened and i wont get seeds. mossy taught me how to use the tweezers!

00.jpg purty purples!

222.jpg green poison I think smells like lime.

ok so much pot porn let rock!

take it from hear little Richard and the AFN band!






thanks for hangin guys Rock on!

:Growing:elvis gutiar.jpg
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Ive placed an order for 7 think different 1 auto ultimate 3 denafem sour D 2015 is gonna get fun!

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