Indoor The Elvis does DRAGON'S..

The Elvis would like to share some pics!
But we must have a song before the show!
wile the AFN band is off for the holidays I will also sit this one out and let the Great Bruce Springsteen do a number for us!



now on with the Grow!

12.jpg cheesus D im thinking male still not sure..

13.jpg same cheeses D ..

here all my baby dragons the singles are stone the doubles are cheesus!
1221141832b[1].jpg dragon clan! :DragonMasters::DragonSmoke:

ok smoke brake !!

"AFN smoke out"

16.jpg stone D this is a very fast auto at just 37 days old or so! should be a breeder!

19.jpg my pretty! i think its a green poison ! fingers crossed!

20.jpg all 10 you see are fem and tangs feed schedule totally rocks! it so easy! I did ok with FF but the AN sensi line just works better for me. and my ph meter is just collecting dust. ill flush after Christmas ..

thanks for looking!

looking good,that 37 day stone D is a bad mo fo fo sure
Yeah that special one is a nice example, if ya have some good quality pollen handy, I'd hit a low branch and make a few outdoor beans for spring :)
kinda looks like it got a pic without a flash?
i think its a boy!


1221142018a[1].jpg the best i can get.. im sure its male and with that said if i decide to grow him he cant stay in this garden and its to cold to put him out side.. so unless the wife lets me put him back in the old grow closet ill have to kill him.. kinda sad..
uh yup get the axe......
its OK Ga I got 4 more behind him 100% germ on all those beans man.. the cheesus ..

14.jpg here is a purp i forgot to post dark red buds growing i say DD.
Murder in Graceland!!


There has been news that the victim was a 3 inch tall male cheesus dragon passably involved in a gang with 10 other females.
1222141458[1].jpg Wile we do not have all the details we do know that this was a hate crime of the sex nature and officials will say this song was playing at the crime seen.


The Elvis is the #1 suspect I'm Walter Cronkite and this is new news!!