The Elvis Breeds The Pink panther "auto"

Hi bro
i dont want to hijack this thread, this is the link to my OrangeAssault project
cu tobe

Thanks and I'm going to read it.. because well I love read!!:cheers: I know there are some things I need to learn.. I am opening this thread up to any information regarding breeding and partying and music and maybe some boobies.. aww its against the rules! :doh: So no Hijack with boobies!! also suggestions are welcome !! Post away Tobe!! :headbang:
i will explain how i start my project.
I cross a Lowryder2 with a DP Orangebud breed them to f3 till i got them full auto after that i cross in a ak47auto because it was a very good smoke and i think it would be a great combination. I breed this cross to f4 at the moment and i saw in f3 that the strain i create are going to be stabil.

I select on my own way to get stronger plants. I put 3 seeds in one pot and the strongest survive. From the plants that survive i select form special citrus arome and looked for plants that grow in the same structure.

I select the males for arome, to test them i rubbed my fingers at the steam after the third note from the top of the plant.

In the hole process i use 30 seeds per run because thats the space i got for breeding. One seed run wasn't good enough and go in the dust, and i test a new batch of 30 seeds till i found the right aroma and smell that was from the f2 generation where the genetics splitt.
I hope its good enough writen because english isn't my mother language.

cu tobe
i will explain how i start my project.
I cross a Lowryder2 with a DP Orangebud breed them to f3 till i got them full auto after that i cross in a ak47auto because it was a very good smoke and i think it would be a great combination. I breed this cross to f4 at the moment and i saw in f3 that the strain i create are going to be stabil.

I select on my own way to get stronger plants. I put 3 seeds in one pot and the strongest survive. From the plants that survive i select form special citrus arome and looked for plants that grow in the same structure.

I select the males for arome, to test them i rubbed my fingers at the steam after the third note from the top of the plant.

In the hole process i use 30 seeds per run because thats the space i got for breeding. One seed run wasn't good enough and go in the dust, and i test a new batch of 30 seeds till i found the right aroma and smell that was from the f2 generation where the genetics splitt.
I hope its good enough writen because english isn't my mother language.

cu tobe

Yea Tobe i can understand what your saying perfectly .. I have to admit I'm just jumping into this blind.. I dont have the real space i need to breed cannabis. I realy do need to grow out 30 like you did for selection. but i just cant.. So im just gonna have fun and try to learn a thing or two about breeding.. The Pinky pie X white widow is a male I have is a full 100% autoflower at F9 she was even backed crossed at F5 back to F1 i dont know why mag did that, stable i guess? the female is also a Full auto so im sure my F1 cross will be autoflower.. Thats when Ill grow more.. I realy need some practice.. This is not simple at all , i know lots of auto breeders here on AFN have have put years and years into making a autoflower.. I also think I'm kinda cheating by using full auto genetics with no photo.. this makes things kinda move faster, but I need that because of such a small grow space.. :pass:
Yea Tobe i can understand what your saying perfectly .. I have to admit I'm just jumping into this blind.. I dont have the real space i need to breed cannabis. I realy do need to grow out 30 like you did for selection. but i just cant.. So im just gonna have fun and try to learn a thing or two about breeding.. The Pinky pie X white widow is a male I have is a full 100% autoflower at F9 she was even backed crossed at F5 back to F1 i dont know why mag did that, stable i guess? the female is also a Full auto so im sure my F1 cross will be autoflower.. Thats when Ill grow more.. I realy need some practice.. This is not simple at all , i know lots of auto breeders here on AFN how have put years and years into making a autoflower.. I also think I'm kinda cheating by using full auto genetics with no photo.. this makes things kinda move faster, but I need that because of such a small grow space.. :pass:

breeding is soooo frustrating at times but ohhhhhh so rewarding, everyone knows the feeling of smoking cannabis that you grew, when you MADE the cannabis strain it is some next level shit I tell you what
breeding is soooo frustrating at times but ohhhhhh so rewarding, everyone knows the feeling of smoking cannabis that you grew, when you MADE the cannabis strain it is some next level shit I tell you what

yea i just gotta get into it.. I just really want to make one autoflower pink panther.. I dont See myself making much more than that.. Its not legal for me, and I dont grow outdoors so its difficult. im going to have to use my imagination big time on this one.. I did use to breed Sugar gliders for years!! i do understand breeding.. O plus I made a baby too!! SO i got the basics!!