Indoor The Dummy's Cabinet

  • Thread starter Thread starter teflondummy
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It's good to have something green around the house again. I am going to try to keep up on the updates but I am working 6-7 days a week right now. I will be using the CFL setup I have always used along with The fox farms trio nutes. The soil is just miracle grow organic choice garden soil with a lot of added perlite. I sterilize it in the microwave before it comes in the room. I would rather prevent pests than fight them and lose yield later.
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Here are my pair of Bobby's Dragons today. They got a light dose of Fox Farms grow big, big bloom, and microbe brew yesterday.
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Here are my pair of Bobbys Dragons today along with a runt Black Dragon that was started a week earlier. The dwarf has shown pistils. I have two more bobby's germing so my top shelf should be filling in soon.
It's been a few days

I have been busy, busy, busy lately so I have been a little slack on the updates. Here are my bobby's dragons today along with my purple gooey. One of the bobbys is a female and the purple gooey is as well. still waiting on the other bushier bobby to show me the naughty bits. I suspect it is a female but that is just my intuition.
Oh I forgot to mention how much these little fuckers stink. I mean they are smelling up the whole house. I have had an attic full of twenty plus autos that didn't smell as strong as these 3 little beasts in my cabinet do now. I wonder if it will get worse. I think I lied to my girl when I told her that they won't get any stinkier.:D
Bro looks like you are going to have some nice sized bushes here shortly I like the dark color on bobby#2 :head: