Mephisto Genetics Lift off! Sour Stomper, Toof Decay, S.O.D.K, SC x DBC

Interesting indeed lol. I'll be doing research on coco specifically moving forward to cover my ass in case I run into something, but I plan to continue following the few guides I've started with, as things are looking pretty decent overall IMO.

Pulled the baby Stomper yesterday and replaced it with a canuk cookies auto. Watered everything this morning with water and a little bit of molasses phd at 6.5. Starting my first batch of compost tea this evening and will be watering the girls in nicely Thursday AM. Will update with pictures once a week or so

Day 15 update

The girls got their first aerated compost tea feeding this morning. Brewed a mixture of the dry amendments I have with some molasses in filtered tap water for roughly 36 hours. The toof decay has popped up with some white tips on the new leaf growth. Will continue monitoring and make adjustments if necessary.


Toof Decay




Sour Stomper
Day 19 update

Girls are doing well across the board. I stsrted LST 2 days ago and they have all bounced back nicely. The Toof Decay is growing a bit faster than the rest still and was given additional LST this morning on the side branches. SODK [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] was supercropped 3 days ago between node 3 and 4 and bounced back just fine(i do not plan on LST with this one, just an experimental plant). Aside from this I have been doing daily leaf tucking to expose the lower growth on all the girls. I plan to defoliate as little as possible until they are halfway into flower, the leaf tucking is working it seems

Pictures taken right after leaf tucking so they may look a little sad

Watering every other day or so with filtered tap water Phd between 6.3 and 6.9

Slowly increasing the light intensity. Currently 40" from canopy at 450w

Temp variance - 77°F - 83°F
Rh variance - 52% - 63%

A few of the girls are "praying" to the light I think which is suppose to be a good sign.

The rear center is a Canuk Cookies auto still in week 1

SODK 1(supercropped)

SODK 1 praying hard


Sour Stomper


Toof Decay

Day 21

All of the girls are starting to flower it appears. The Sour Stomper and Toof Decay are going much faster it seems.

Should I continue to LST the main branch or let that cola go and just pull back everything from the center as needed?

Sour Stomper

Top left - SB x DBC
Top right - Toof Decay
Mid left - SODK 2
Mid right - Canuk auto cookies
Btm left - Sour Stomper
Btm right - SODK 1

Day 23

Gave the girls another compost tea feeding and foliar spray this morning with boogie brew and a little bat guano/molasses added in. I'm showing some deficiencies I believe, and the girls have been a little droopy looking, I was thinking I watered too much(I water until a little run off and I let the pot soak up whatever run off happens). I've decided to add some wire racks underneath the pots to give them a chance to breath more and will only use the drip tray for watering

I'm continuing LST on all of them for another week or so, I've slowed down on some of the larger ones and will let them take the vertical course now. I also decided to LST the SODK I was letting run naturally. She got pretty tall and her side branches were shooting up fast so figured I'd go ahead and do it

I've also been slowly increasing the light power, up to 525w currently, roughly 40" from canopy

Temp range and rh range same as last post

Pulled the cookies auto and decided to let her run her course outside

Overall they seem to be growing nicely and I'm hopeful they are just entering a major stretch period before things really start to bulk up



Toof Decay







Sour Stomper



My toof decays did the same thing, curly and droopy looking but pulled through once the stretch ended. Mine seem very blueberry dominant in the way they grow but smell like straight grapefruit peel, unmistakable. I think there's a bit of nute sensitivity from the BB line, but she's eating healthy now that stretch has ended.

In general your tent looks good though, keep up the good work!
My toof decays did the same thing, curly and droopy looking but pulled through once the stretch ended. Mine seem very blueberry dominant in the way they grow but smell like straight grapefruit peel, unmistakable. I think there's a bit of nute sensitivity from the BB line, but she's eating healthy now that stretch has ended.

In general your tent looks good though, keep up the good work!

Thank you for the response! I think things are definitely looking okay so far, and I'm trying not to freak myself out too much. I feel like I got a lot of things right in the critical first couple weeks so I should be okay even with some hiccups happening now. I just dont want to screw anything up!

I'll definitely be scrapping this whole coco only idea after this run. I have 3 canuk plants growing in a soil mix that are thriving outside
I believe I'm dealing with a mixture of overwatering(I know it's hard to overwater coco but I water until a little runoff in my drip tray and then let it soak up the rest and I guess I mistakenly watered too much and left the feet too wet)
And light stress.

I've been doing some reading on the deficiencies I'm looking at and it says the leaves would be yellowing and wilting specifically from the bottom up, where as light stress would be affecting the new growth first BUT will also affect the older growth that is exposed to light constantly. The easiest way to tell is the leaves wilting when it's a nutrient deficiency, and the leaves dry and crumble when it's from light stress. The leaves in general feel stiff and dry. The lower leaves that are yellowed out are getting crispy and dry and I can easily snap the leaves in half on the bad ones

I think that's where my white tips were coming from initially and the light was just far enough away that it didnt totally burn the leaves, but it did end up slowly burning the lower leaves exposed to light. I believe my more extreme symptoms are from the last week or so where I've increased the intensity to full power with the light. I also read that having light stress can increase slight nutrient deficiency symptoms

I've decreased my lights back down to 300w at roughly 40" from canopy. I've also removed the drip trays and added metal racks underneath the pots to give them more airflow. The girls seem to be perking back up in the new growth but I think some of the old growth might be toast at this point. We are coming up on 1 month so I will also be top dressing the soil with worm castings and dry amendments and watering in with a tea