Outdoor The^Dudes High Tunnel Grow 2020

So, exactly what in the THC is it increasing or enhancing? Everybody I've asked says it decreases the narcotic effect.

To be honest with you Les, it would be difficult for me to buy CBD. That's pretty much the same reason I find it very difficult to buy THC cannabis................ I just don't know how it is grown.
I'm just a little bit leery of making concentrates, when I don't know how it grown. I could very well be concentrating things that I don't want to be concentrated. :gassy: <--------- there are things that shouldn't be concentrated.:biggrin:

Ya get my drift?
what I read was that using it when you feel too high only makes it worse, it can intensify the high. It explains why some hash plants make you a zombie.... been there lol!
Solid points gentlemen.

@The^Dude - I think you've got some top help on the medibles. Is joint pain a concern? You could look into a joint supplement I use and highly recommend. It's called Lubrisyn HA. It is an oral hyaluronic acid. Works great for my old bones. Might be worth a look. They make human and animal versions and it was originally developed for the multi million dollar horse racing industry. I suggested it to @Lil Dab for his dog and I think they are getting some positive results.
I appreciate that, it is a lot of joint pain: fingers, knees, hips, etc.
I’ve gotten some great info here, I’ve just made two batches of cbd from different strains and one cbg, so I’ll ship some off to her and see if we can make some progress. She will have less than zero tolerance, so hoping to provide relief without inebriation.
I appreciate that, it is a lot of joint pain: fingers, knees, hips, etc.
I’ve gotten some great info here, I’ve just made two batches of cbd from different strains and one cbg, so I’ll ship some off to her and see if we can make some progress. She will have less than zero tolerance, so hoping to provide relief without inebriation.
Let us know how that works out man!
It’s a jungle in here. Most of the mustard greens have fallen over, but I should get enough seeds from them for the next 10 years.