hey @The^Dude this is how i have made tincture in the past, not sure if you have to decarb to access cbd like you do with thc but here is how ive done it:I know few will see this, so I ask [with my whole heart] all that do to repost this in your own channels so we can use the hive mind to generate some help quickly.
My favorite human has lupus, and the joint pain lately has been unbearable. She can barely walk sometimes. I’m going to be making some cbd tinctures for her, but if anyone here has advice please share.
Thank you everyone for being an amazing community. The real power of a community like this shines when we all chip in to make a powerful difference in someone’s life, and that’s our opportunity today, so even if you just repost this somewhere you are making a huge difference. @The^Dude
everclear, decarb the weed, put together in a mason jar in the freezer, shake the shit outta it (5mins), then shake every 24 hours (put back in freezer) do this for a week, then strain it and boom youre ready to medicate