Outdoor The^Dudes High Tunnel Grow 2020

Kalashnikova Harvest
Greenhouse seeds Kalashnikova Auto. Started January 4th, though I did see slow growth in the very beginning because of my reamendment timing choice. She was fantastic to grow, and the buds are rock hard. The only one of this 9 plant pot that I would regrow.
With the Kalashnikova gone I’m going to flip that room into flower. The Mendocino Twenty20 plants will move to the other light temporarily as they root into new plants. Of the 4 one will be selected to flower now for the Grow n Show. Also will schwazz the Bubba Kush, curious to see how that goes. I’d love to flower a Jedi Breath but after 3 weeks at least I still can’t get the clone to root. Guess I need to figure out a better method for that.
Mendocino Twenty20 “The Great!” Looking happy in the sun. Starting to acclimate all the girls to outside. The great big Jedi Breath may just go out and stay out, I ain’t planning on carrying those all over the place. They’re as tall as me and decently wide Top right is a glimpse of a GMO