Outdoor The^Dudes High Tunnel Grow 2020

I’m in the running for a job at the company I want to work for more than any other. It’ll be about a month til I know more and I’m losing my freaking mind. The only thing I can think comes close to my desire for this to work out was the safe birth of my kids, and my wife saying yes when I proposed (though I already knew what her answer would be). Never experienced this for a job. This is gonna be a looooong month. Whew!

:goodluck: :headbang: ppp
Thanks everybody!

Hey dude:baked: how's it going man :d5:everything's looking real good so far:bow:
Good luck with job. :vibes: :goodluck:
Hey man... I'm getting ready to use the Dairy doo products on the new property
How do you like their products? What do you recommend out of there Organics line up that you seen that looks really good so far?
I drive right by there composting facility there in Sears Michigan when I'm on my way to my property when I go to scenic route.:pass:

my first time using dairy doo, I’m just using their compost but I’d really like to snag a bag of their vermicompost. I’ve heard dairy cow makes some fantastic doo, and the bags don’t smell my car up even after 3 days, so it must be pretty well aged
Hey dude:baked: how's it going man :d5:everything's looking real good so far:bow:
Good luck with job. :vibes: :goodluck:
Hey man... I'm getting ready to use the Dairy doo products on the new property
How do you like their products? What do you recommend out of there Organics line up that you seen that looks really good so far?
I drive right by there composting facility there in Sears Michigan when I'm on my way to my property when I go to scenic route.:pass:
Just a couple hours north of me
Golly I love mixing soil. This is my biochar “charging”, 1.5 gallons of biochar, 1 gallon worm castings, 1 gallon dairy doo, 1 gallon sphagnum, some malted barley, and some other amendments. Oh, and some lava rocks. Tomorrow it gets the compost tea I’ve got bubbling away. Biochar will end up about 2% of this total batch.
I usually soak it in compost tea, I think this’ll work just fine
The problem i run into in the tunnel is putting clones out too early in the year (before July it seems) results in then flowering and then revegging, pretty much ruining the bulk of the harvest. I don’t want to draw too much attention with bright lights, but this is a possibility. I could run some decently bright lights from 2-4 am, interrupting the dark and keeping them in veg. Food for thought, I’ll probably do it another way.
