The Donkey Show ( Hydro edition)

Don't cut it no slack. Push the limits!! Lol
And beyond

I wrote you a poem..

There once was a clown that wanted to grow like hell

But his water had funny lots smells

Dreams to blow dro

So bad he called his grow bro

Who told him bout artisian wells
You live in a area that has limestone filters the size of mountains..water
that flows out the mountains into springs, creeks and rivers. Some of the cleanest water in the world.

Last time I checked the river that runs through your backyard. I'm thinking was 32 ppm when I checked it 15 years ago.
I've seen springs and creeks with ppm levels under 10 and under 20 is common.
Finally got some roots in the rez and she's starting to drink.

She drank herself a little hot and the ppm going from 550 to a touch over 600. The ph was still holding steady at 6.1. I ve been putting the rez change off waiting to see if this would happen. I know my line for the next couple weeks.

So I did a rez change and dropped the base nutrient down to 500 ppm with 87 ppm being my water. Ph to 5.8 and will probably buffer up over the next 10 hours or so.

They say you got to be able to listen for girls to tell you what's up. And this one be a barking. Almost woke the neighbors.
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Pick your 🐎. @buddzzy @HashbrownClown
The Strawberry Biscotti in the DWC at 31 days with no signs of flower

The Walter White @ 25 days
With a slightly high PH in the back right


The Acid Snow @ 24 days with no problems at all yet. In the small wicking air pot
All 3 are looking great man! Is the Walter White in a rockwool cube on top of soil? I've seen others do it with Coco but not soil. Any big advantages of doing it like that?
It's stacked on looks like a great idea. But , if I had it to do over, I would take the plastic off and bury 3/4 of the the cube. Trying to keep the cube moist during root has caused the pot to become heavy. Now it's a waiting game for the pot to dry, so I can fix ph and give her a little full strenth, get green as posible going into the stretch. I like to be overlooked like the one in the dwc.
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