Indoor The Devil and the Rose

Damn forgot to add a couple of picys from today

Here is Talula on day 27. She's small for her age but looks healthy to me.
Talula Day 27-1.jpgTalula Day 27-2.jpg

Sonya on day 10. She looks healthy to me too and much much better than Talula did on day 10

Sonya Day 10-1.jpgSonya Day 10-2.jpg
Yeah your right duck. Its 4 or 4 1/2 because I got home and my xxl leaves were drooping and she read 3 1/2. That beast drank a gallon in 36
oooppppsss I fecked up. How do I get post 402 moved to my thread?
Talula looks ready for a full water bro. Only bout 10 percent runoff
Bandit that scrog looks awesome. Keep it up.
Don't know where the Bandit is. Ain't seen hide nor hair of in 4-5 days which is unusual. Hope all is good in his world!