The Definitive Colloidal Silver Tutorial

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Not sure if it helps,, But I'll hit the same spot(s) 3-4 times,,, 2-3 days apart.
Without doing that my seeds are not packed as densly.
Started by honestly not feeling 100% confident with my pollen,, and continued. Seems to work good enough for what I do. (Personal use not commercial or such).

Not sure of the relativity,, but I'm using a old Radio Shack AC Adapter I snagged at a yardsale or something.
Output is 9vdc @ 800 ma.

Strange thing is...
Photoperiods I'll generate 8-12 hrs and it's all good.
If I do that on AFs it's very spotty, often getting nannas instead of balls. But, when I let it run 20-24 hrs my Autos get solid balls (full reversion). It's pretty dark and I'll run it through a couple layers of cheesecloth to remove the slimy looking crud. I'll only make what I expect to use in 2-3 sessions. Generally 1/2 pt at a time. Making is easy so it's not a biggie for me. I'll just leave it all set-up in the corner, ready to go.

Maybe something in there can be of use. :2cents:
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All good info man.
I'm using a 6 volt PC power supply through 12 guage silver wire - 1 inch apart.
Goes cloudy in 30 mins then a torch shone through it shows little silver particles whizzing about - use an airstone in there.
6 hours - have no way of measuring PPM but seems to d0 the job.
I wipe the black stuff off the anode every 30 mins - more or less.
Dont think there's a "perfect way" - if there is - there's nobody with the balls to say it :)

Not sure if it helps,, But I'll hit the same spot(s) 3-4 times,,, 2-3 days apart.
Without doing that my seeds are not packed as densly.
Started by honestly not feeling 100% confident with my pollen,, and continued. Seems to work good enough for what I do. (Personal use not commercial or such).

Not sure of the relativity,, but I'm using a old Radio Shack AC Adapter I snagged at a yardsale or something.
Output is 9vdc @ 800 ma.

Strange thing is...
Photoperiods I'll generate 8-12 hrs and it's all good.
If I do that on AFs it's very spotty, often getting nannas instead of balls. But, when I let it run 20-24 hrs my Autos get solid balls (full reversion). It's pretty dark and I'll run it through a couple layers of cheesecloth to remove the slimy looking crud. I'll only make what I expect to use in 2-3 sessions. Generally 1/2 pt at a time. Making is easy so it's not a biggie for me. I'll just leave it all set-up in the corner, ready to go.

Maybe something in there can be of use. :2cents:
Err,, a couple thoughts to ya???

I'd spread them apart more,, like oposite sides of the glass / jar thing. Make it travel further to the electrode. I feel it helps the suspension.

Honestly,, I'd ditch the airstone idea. Believe we are looking for "silver" suspended to do the job.
That airstone will inject oxygen and that will age (oxide) the silver into silveroxide. Silveroxide (essentiall silver rust) is basicly what you have when light & oxygen renders the solution weak or kaput.

I store in dark bottles and try not to let it age beyond a week or two. The aging may be bogus,, But I feel way more confident with fresh,,, and it's cheap.

Sorry, Not trying to tell you what to do,, or sound like a "know-it-all" (which I really really aint by any stretch). Just trying to maybe point the way a little.

Franky, at first, I was being driven nuts with this stuff. I tend to over complicate at times things that need to be simple.

Oh,, a cheap laser pointer shown through the mix will really add visuals to the concentration for a rough comparative gage on strength. :thumbs:
i use an air stone , always have so dunno if it would be better without , but ive had great success , i also try to keep the wires/rods about an inch appart , never more then 2 inches , and from small plants/clones i get between 300-500 mature seeds , did a topped and vegged to about 1.5 foot plant one time and got thousands of seeds , never have counted them , ive given away hundreds and it still looks like i have thousands left

peace :cool:
Good job!

I don't run that many a year and try to keep it down. But, yeah.. "givers" are a given.

Bob, you agree that it's sooooo easy,, once over the newness,, it's a cake walk?

Tried close together. Could be the amount of current (amps) utilized that dictates space?

....."did a topped and vegged to about 1.5 foot plant"..... Photoperiods?
i use an air stone , always have so dunno if it would be better without , but ive had great success , i also try to keep the wires/rods about an inch appart , never more then 2 inches , and from small plants/clones i get between 300-500 mature seeds , did a topped and vegged to about 1.5 foot plant one time and got thousands of seeds , never have counted them , ive given away hundreds and it still looks like i have thousands left

peace :cool:

feel free to give me a thousand!
Good job!

I don't run that many a year and try to keep it down. But, yeah.. "givers" are a given.

Bob, you agree that it's sooooo easy,, once over the newness,, it's a cake walk?

Tried close together. Could be the amount of current (amps) utilized that dictates space?

....."did a topped and vegged to about 1.5 foot plant"..... Photoperiods?

yeah the female was a photo , the reversed was a haze auto from dinafem , the female was a pure sativa from australia called carrot , seeded fully she finished at about 3 foot with a ton of side branches

@ realcarlos , the offspring arent fully auto and can grow quite tall , although not as tall as most sativas , carrot indoors seems to reach 5 - 6 foot if sent to 12/12 at the pre flower stage (useually under 2 foot)

peace :cool:
Hi guys - been busy elsewhere (you may have noticed).
Seems we all have our ways of brewing this stuff. Also seems it all works.
Let's assume our brews are good - can we? Not sure if any of us will change our ways - cos they work.
Dont know about you - but my wife thinks I'm some kind of nutty professor. Lot of head shaking and tutting.
I'm now interested in the frequency and duration of spraying.
I think this may be more important than the potency of our solution.
I'd appreciate input on this. I've tended to spray 10 times from the light flip - every day or every other. But I'm not 100% happy with the results - ideas?
I have a tip...spray BEFORE the flowering starts. The best time to foilar feed is when the stomata are wide open, which is in the early morning or evening. Not sure if that even applies to CS treatments but that generally when i spray as well.

I don't use airstone either,but thats just me.
if you have success..its all good right.if its not broke dont fix it ;)

I absolutley love the CS method. I learned from Phenomenol over at IC. Dont want to take away focus from this forum but one of my favorite threads ever is over there and its all about CS.
"Dont know about you - but my wife thinks I'm some kind of nutty professor" thats funny..ive been away from growing for over a year now and told my girl i was just doing a breeding experiment with CS of course..she seemed more ok with that then telling her im growing a few plants not really lying either lol.
Yes, I read that on the stomata opening times and I try to follow it - doesn't always fit my lifestyle though.
See no reason why it should not apply to CS either.
I think it's now 2 all on the airstone thing - divided we are.
If it works - stick with it? My point too.

My plants are out the way - it's the kitchen she doesn't like me messing in!

I have a tip...spray BEFORE the flowering starts. The best time to foilar feed is when the stomata are wide open, which is in the early morning or evening. Not sure if that even applies to CS treatments but that generally when i spray as well.

I don't use airstone either,but thats just me.
if you have success..its all good right.if its not broke dont fix it ;)

I absolutley love the CS method. I learned from Phenomenol over at IC. Dont want to take away focus from this forum but one of my favorite threads ever is over there and its all about CS.
"Dont know about you - but my wife thinks I'm some kind of nutty professor" thats funny..ive been away from growing for over a year now and told my girl i was just doing a breeding experiment with CS of course..she seemed more ok with that then telling her im growing a few plants not really lying either lol.