The Definitive Colloidal Silver Tutorial

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7 different strains to date , approx 20 plants (sometimes 2 sometimes 1) some autos some photo , complete plants because thats the idea behind CS (full reversal)

100% success

i was always on the hate fems band wagon because of the known hermie issues that have now been slowly becomming a thing of the past , i credit the lower/non hermie issues to breeders switching from the stress related products like sts and more and more now useing CS

i wish i had of started useing CS years ago as i wouldnt be growing out so many males i have no time for , i sprout 60 seeds at a time every 2 weeks so im very tired of the time and wasted space i get with males , id only be sprouting 30 every 2 weeks if they were fems

so far from any of my test/grow results i have never had any hermie issues with my cs created fems , and thats a minimum of 30 plants grown from each batch of seeds ive created (all female)

some reversals and breeding projects were done for friends and at their locations , so i never grew/tested any of theirs , but they have never complained either

IMO C.S is VERY effective and reliable when made properly and used properly , also IMO you MUST shoot for full reversal as you are blocking the production in the PLANT not just a branch , how does one block something in only part of a plant when the stuff flows through the entire plant unless you use something that streses the plant where it is applied , C.S doesnt burn the shit out of plants like sts , it leaves them looking very healthy and like true males when in fact they are fully reversed females

most important things IMO is to make smaller coloids (useing lower volts) and spraying the entire plant , smaller coloids actually do what we are intending them to do , and thats penitrate the plant , not just sit on the leaves like larger coloids would and do , any other methods used imo are experimental and as said by cres "unreliable"

i havent been useing C.S for very long , but so far so good , not one failure to date , and that includes the 3 month old batch of C.S i used on my latest project

peace :cool:
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ahh I see. So silver nitrate is available at some pharmacies. I have sourced it from a few different local shops. I've found how to source just about everything under the sun, but I suppose if this is something people don't know. The "caustic pencil" is a silver nitrate / potassium nitrate stick that is available at some walgreens. I suppose I could find it today if I tried. Thiosulfate is probably around, but it's far less useful.

I don't mean to hijack, but spitballing here... GA3 aught to work but it's a big molecule and thus doesn't really make it through the stoma. I have done my share of PGR research and the delivery can be done by decreasing the surface tension of the plant tissue with organic acids. Regular ol' Dip n' grow uses ethanol, but it's too damaging for the breeding process. I've picked succinic acid as I've found it used by nurseries in the past. It's in a commercial product but I have to ask a friend what it was called. Solid succinic acid has shipping restrictions in my location (the dark side of the moon, of course). I suppose I'm trying to help here 'cause I got me a post up and I'd like to trade info. I'd really like to take the fem breeding process up a level, or make it easier. Either way I admit I haven't made a bean yet.
hi drewbot , you arent hijacking anything , its a discussion forum right :thumbs:

you can get the stuff needed to make sts from photo supply shops , but im sure you already noticed my feelings towards sts and my feelings with C.S

once you have your pure silver wire C.S is so quick and easy , also very very cheap , i just bought a 4 litre jug of pure 0 ppm distilled drinking water for 99 cents , i use maybe 500 ml per breeding project and thats the max when spraying/reversing 2 plants

best of all , C.S isnt harmfull if you spill it on yourself , i actually drink it for the MANY MANY health benifits it offers

peace :cool:
here is a tutorial given to me quite a while ago for those who would rather try sts then C.S


you need Silver Nitrate (the secret to my recipe is using SIlver Nitrate ACS - take my word on this when you buy it make sure it's ACS). And you'll of course need sodium thiosulfate. the Thiosulfate is cheap and you can get a big bag that'll last you years, but the Silver Nitrate ACS is where the money comes in...I usually buy em online from any photo shop and i buy them separately because if you buy them together you end up on a DEA watchlist.

Preparation of STS:
First, a stock solution is made. It consists of two parts (A and B) that are
initially mixed separately, then blended together. Part A is ALWAYS mixed into
part B while stirring rapidly. Use distilled water; tap water may cause
precipitates to form.
Wear gloves while mixing and using these chemicals, and mix and use in a
properly ventilated area. A mask will prevent the breathing of any dust, which
is caustic. STS is colorless and odorless, and poses minimal health risks if
used as described here. (See material safety data sheet links below). Note that
silver nitrate and STS can cause brown stains upon drying, so spray over
newspaper and avoid spilling.
Part A: .5 gram silver nitrate stirred into 500ml distilled water
Part B: 2.5 grams sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous) stirred into 500ml distilled
The silver nitrate dissolves within 15 seconds. The sodium thiosulfate takes 30
-45 seconds to dissolve.
The silver nitrate solution (A) is then mixed into the sodium thiosulfate
solution (B) while stirring rapidly. The resulting blend is stock silver
thiosulfate solution (STS).
This stock solution is then diluted at a ratio of 1:9 to make a working
solution. For example, 100ml of stock STS is added to 900ml of distilled water.
This is then sprayed on select female plants.
Both the stock STS and the working solution should be refrigerated after use, as
well as the powdered chemicals, to avoid activity loss

now remember , i didnt write it , i only used it , and my thoughts on sts are if you want unreliable hermie prone fems then sts is just the ticket

peace :cool:
Now why you got to go and say something like that bob?

just giving my honest opinion/experiences is all , not trying to badmouth anyone or anything , its just the way i honestly feel about the product , not anything about the people who might use it

peace :cool:
So your actually say that after sts-ing a plant the resulting seeds are now genetically modified to herm... Thats a stretch bob... Sts and CS are almost identical in the blocking of ethylene production. I help people understand both all the time, I know breeders who have reversed hundreds of plant with sts made hundreds of thousands of seed that are not hermi prone. Never once I have I burned a plant with sts... I have even once by mistake sprayed stock solution of sts on a plant and not even burned it.
sts is far more chemical then cs though right

not saying sts will only create hermies , but imo/ime it can and does from time to time , and even once is enough to be quite costly for someone as comercial as myself

only time i personally used it was on a proven female i had as a mum for 4 years , i had crossed her to quite a few different males with no hermie offspring and had been growing her clones for those 4 years without seeing hermies

not to say it couldnt have been a recessive trait in her though , i had just not seen it untill i sprayed one of her clones and used it to pollinate its sister clones , i ended up with full blown hermies , it was the only 2 times i personally used sts , the first and last lol

ive grown countless fems over the years and always had hermies , but year after year they slowly became non existant , does anyone have explenation for this ? my only thought is breeders stopped useing sts and gerbilic acid and started useing C.S , but i could be wrong

peace :cool:
IMO most commercial breeders use sts, not CS. the reason for a drop in hermi is that with proper stress testing hermi prone "mothers"/strains can be identified before breeding and then after breeding testing and stress testing can occur. these are proper steps to control herms.

IMO CS and sts work the same exact principle and neither is fool proof, both are str8 up chemicals, but with CS the process has to be exact and measurements of solutions mandatory, with sts the weights of the two chemicals are easily weighed with the proper scale. and mixing is easy.

Silver nitrate and CS as far as a plant is considered seem to me identical...there both infusing the plant with silver.. why someone ever choose sodium thiosulfate is beyond me.. maybe someone else knows..
i dont measure anything with cs , i fill my 1 litre generator (used to just use the 4 litre jug and run it for 3 days lol) , plug it in and approx 8-12 hours later (depending on what time i start and how long i sleep) i fill my small dollar store spray bottle and im good to go

i couldnt say why anyone want to use or advise to use sodium thiosulfate , can only give my actual experiences and thoughts i have due to those experiences , im far FAR from being a chemist lol

peace :cool: