The Definitive Colloidal Silver Tutorial

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Thanks b0b that's what I was hoping for. I'm not getting as much pollen from my partially cs'd plant as I wanted.
Now you've said it - yes, had I been prepared and could entertain the lighting - my supply is weak - vegging is ok but I have to run 2 tents flowering - one is on when the other is off during flowering.Penalty for living up a Mountain in the middle of the only European "Desert".
You could put two tentfulls through the STS fems.
They are still giving pollen - every time I lift them for watering, I see it floating toward the lights.
I see the point of pulling them out - let the pollenated plants get on with developing seeds rather than keep taking on new ones - could lead to a lot of undeveloped beans cos the plant cant cope maybe?
Definately something to consider - but what do you do with them? Kill em off?
Do we discard their own seeds because being the reversed plants, we have bred in a hermie trait? But beans from their clones are ok.........I can understand that - but is it true?
These are topics I've seen mentioned but have no sound info on.
Like to hear peoples opinion on related stuff like that.
Just to give a quick overview.
I've taken a few strains which are well known - bought them in S1 form or taken them to S1, tested them and then taken the chosen one's clones and S2d them.
I did 6 strains through the last 18 months.
These S2s have now met an IBL male. Gave me regular beans.
The S2s I'm running now are meeting reversed Sisters oF the IBL male.
Gives me regular and femmed of all 6 strains outcrossed to a really potent medical strain and heavy pollen donor.
Smoked some scissor hash - did I make sense there?
Thanks for everybody's interest - I enjoy this stuff!

some excellent questions! I've summoned one of the gods to have a look at this... :)

Cuz I wanna know these answers too.. :smokeit:
i have posted MANY times about how my FULLY C.S reversed plants grow and produce EXACTLY like a normal male does

untill people start FULLY reversing a plant like they should be doing then i do not believe they should make comparison claims

just saying

peace :cool:

EDIT : @ clone ranger ,,,, this could be why you dont see a lot of pollin ,,,,,,

imo your not doing it quite right , it might be working for you , but i believe you can improve

peace again :cool:

You may well be right there.
But that pushes me towards STS as a preferred method.
15 mins weighing and mixing. 2 sprays only required for plants which give more pollen and (IMO) for a longer period (Than my current method).
This is probably why I hear that Commercial growers prefer STS - less time consuming and no need for that bubbling mix for hours.
This thread has helped me make a decision I was having difficulty with.
Many thanks.
my sts went perfect just hope my target plants were not to far along... to soaking sprays and done.

I would like someone to try watering right at the base of the plant with sts or CS to see if they will uptake the treatment direct, we all know the spray but lets face it the fert gets in much better thru roots...maybe the "treatment" would also...?

I always turn the spray nozzle to stream and hit the base of my plant good.

BOB you seen/heard of this?
i think it was at treating yourself . com , if not then it was at mns , i seen mention of someone claiming to use c.s water to treat root/plant issues but not reverse the plants , i can not say for sure if he was full of poop or not though , never heard of anyone doing it with sts

i have dumped whats left in my spray bottle into my plant after it showed male flowers , didnt see any improvement , didnt see any difference at all realy

have read at IC that a few people only used a couple sprays with c.s and it was all they needed , dunno if they were full of poop or not , ill give it a try though i guess , if i sacrifice a plant it wont matter , i got lots

EDIT : the thread about watering plants with c.s was geared more towards people useing c.s as a healthy choice for humans , which it is actually , c.s treats and has a TON of health benifits , including skin conditions , thats why i finally chose c.s over sts , i dont like the thought of spilling/getting sts on my skin , as well as i had poor early results with sts before ever trying c.s

peace :cool:
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What if you were to do a hydro grow using C.S
that would be interesting
So I made some CS a couple of weeks ago and started treating an MI5 girl last Thursday evening. She was right at 4 weeks above dirt, maybe a little late according to some accounts, time will tell. Friday and Saturday I sprayed twice but will only be treating once per day now. It is interesting to note the pistols have shrunk and started to curl like after Pollenating. I'm planning on treating until pollen appears. If a little is good, more must be better, lol.
How can you tell if the C.S is working? Are there signs to look for?
Silver Nitrate will not work as it contains Silver ions rather than elemental silver - the best CS that I make is by ensuring the electolysis is slow with tiny bubbles slowly forming and waiting a few hours at least this way you do not get large clusters of atoms.

Special Tip - Melt the silver and poor thin and then wash with concentrated acid to remove any impurity - repeat melting pouring and acid until there is zero reaction - this is important for those not using medical grade silver.

To slow down the electrolysis for smaller atom clusters increase distance between electrodes or if it is too slow move them closer.

ALways make it yourself and never buy it - can also be used to prevent moulds and fungi
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