The Definitive Colloidal Silver Tutorial

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EDIT : the thread about watering plants with c.s was geared more towards people useing c.s as a healthy choice for humans , which it is actually , c.s treats and has a TON of health benifits , including skin conditions , thats why i finally chose c.s over sts , i dont like the thought of spilling/getting sts on my skin , as well as i had poor early results with sts before ever trying c.s. peace :cool:


not sure may have been posted before ..but still interesting reading.
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my sts went perfect just hope my target plants were not to far along... to soaking sprays and done.

I would like someone to try watering right at the base of the plant with sts or CS to see if they will uptake the treatment direct, we all know the spray but lets face it the fert gets in much better thru roots...maybe the "treatment" would also...?

I always turn the spray nozzle to stream and hit the base of my plant good.

BOB you seen/heard of this?

Did you flip the recipients a bit early Cres?
I have to admit that with the STS tent, I was waiting and waiting for signs of pollen and hoping it wouldn't be too late and I flipped eerything at the same time.
But 6 weeks after seeing pollen - they are still going.
I might flip the ones to be sprayed a week earlier than the rest next time.
I mentioned it earlier in the Topic - I think the STS takes longer to kick off than CS.
Never heard of anyone root feeding either STS or CS for reversal - perhaps Bob can have a go? - I protect the roots from the spray with kitchen towel - on the basis (maybe wrong) that these are powerfull chemicals that may not be welcome hanging around in the pots.
I dont know for sure, but STS seems to me to be a much more powerful mix than CS. This is solely based on 2 sprays and I got what Bob calls "Fully reversed" plants, whereas, I dont get the same dramatic effect when spraying CS 10 times or more.
And acknowledging the title of this Topic - which is best?, is a grey area - but at least we are trying to get a handle on it.
Let us know on your results Cres? I'm 2 weeks from being able to say.
timing is everything you must know your genetics... cs or sts...
I always get a fully reversed plant. No doubt there, but getting CS seems way easier than sts.. but then you got it pretty easy...
The making of STS seems to be pretty cut and dried, while the making of CS has lots of variables and methods. Voltage, amperage, electrode size and spacing, bubble or no. I found the materials for CS are more readily available though. Just as long as I get some pollen I'll be happy.
I always get a fully reversed plant. No doubt there, but getting CS seems way easier than sts.. but then you got it pretty easy...

Cs is very easy. I used a 1 gram silver bar cut in half and a 9v battery that has been in my smoke detector for almost a year. Clipped it all together with $6 of parts from radio shack and let it sit for about 30 hours. Then I sprayed my girl once a day. I didn't think it was working after 2 weeks so I stopped and a few days later she had balls!
I always get a fully reversed plant. No doubt there, but getting CS seems way easier than sts.. but then you got it pretty easy...

Yes I know, getting the chems is a pain and I was lucky to know someone who provided one half.
I always acknowledge help and try to reciprocate when I can.
No doubt CS works and is probably easier to set up in the begining but, once the chemicals are sourced, STS is much easier - 2 sprays against 10 or 20? Watching CS brew?, wiping the Anode?, remembering to turn it off?, decanting and then 2 or 3 or 4 weeks spraying?
I was trying to remain impartial and open we do.......
Has anyone had success reversing a male to show pistils?
Has anyone had success reversing a male to show pistils?

with cs your blocking female expression, its not going to work, only will block female hormones.

Spraying a male will only make it more male..
I was just thinking....if you do spray a male plant that has a tendancy to hermi maybe it could help it not grow female parts and give it better genetics. or would the pollen then make male seeds?