Indoor The Convoy: Short Stuff Boutique Test Grow Rd. 3 +1 - Tha Shiznit/Purple Amnesia/ ASD

Hey Trap, haven't stopped by for a while. Sorry you've been having issues. Your mystery x is at about the same stage as my narco, early stunting for some reason.
Quick comment on the co2, my experience is from planted fish tanks, they recommend the co2 comes on about 20 minutes before lights on so it is ready and waiting for the plants to use.
Keep it up Trap :)
I'd love to see you throw a bean in there in your old medium, just so we can get a confirmation as to whether it is the medium, or not, which I suspect it is. I was curious as to how the mystery bean was gonna turn out. Was that your only mystery bean?
Hey Trap, haven't stopped by for a while. Sorry you've been having issues. Your mystery x is at about the same stage as my narco, early stunting for some reason.
Quick comment on the co2, my experience is from planted fish tanks, they recommend the co2 comes on about 20 minutes before lights on so it is ready and waiting for the plants to use.
Keep it up Trap :)

Hey G :)

Thanks for stopping by! And the pointer on the CO2 :)
I'd love to see you throw a bean in there in your old medium, just so we can get a confirmation as to whether it is the medium, or not, which I suspect it is. I was curious as to how the mystery bean was gonna turn out. Was that your only mystery bean?

Hey, TGB :)

I just started a thread in Mephisto Sub-forum....2 Tyrone Specials going into my old mix...FFHF/Perlite/Gardening Lime/Great White.
They are soaking for a couple hours before they hit the paper towel and the DirecTV Genie ;)

As to MysteryX??? It will resurface soon, I have quite a few of those ;)
MysteryX - Day25 (final) :(

Obviously, seriously stunted growth for a 25 day old plant, hadn't even gotten a tap to the bottom....I'll try er again very soon!

The PA still looks anemic...she'll finish out but she'll always be a bit sickly, I suspect.

The Shiz is actually coming around nicely.

I'll get pics after lights out is over :)
Poured one out for the fallen homie :-) Best of luck on the others dude!
Got you on the 2TS journal, bro. Already locked in! I'm gonna go like Medi, and do something for the fallen one; :bong: A bowl hit for the recently departed.
Pics: :)

I added some chelated iron/zinc to the last 2 foliar feeds....can't say if that's the cause or just a contributing factor
but the color continues to return.

Shiz - Day 40:

PA - Day 41:

Next feed will be a SledgeHammer flush followed by a light but N & Fe dominant feeding. Then some Kangaroots/Microbe Brew.
See if I can help out that root mass a little.
Today I flushed both the PA and Shiz with 1800mL of SledgeHammer followed
with 700mL feed containing a tiny bit of CaMg+/BigBloom/Boomerang/Chelated FeZn

Before I gave them the follow-up feed though...

I top dressed the pot with Great White then covered (topped off) the pot space that had
been created by settling with a fresh inch or so of newly mixed up FFHF for a different grow.

I had some exposed roots so I figured it wouldn't hurt.

My theory here is that this starving is due to severely stunted root growth...the plant just
doesn't have enough avenues for the uptake it demands. So I figured another shot of Mycos
and a flush might stimulate the root growth or at least improve what's there.

I have some Kangaroots and Microbe Brew coming so I might follow up with that and
Molasses to help it out further. :)

At any rate, I think it was good to "white wash" the canvas. We'll see how these kids
finish up :)
Thanks for the "Like Bomb" Wwwillie! :)