I think I may have identified and solved another problem I was experiencing...
To recap, I have a MyCO2bag Bloom Box (mushroom/Biomass deal) in a styrofoam cooler about my grow closet. It has an air pump
in the bottom of it and lines running inside the cab. The theory is that the bag fills the cooler with CO2 then the pump evacuates it
on top of the plants.
On my first grow, I hung 2 Exhale bags in the cab and since they were emitting a small amount constantly, and the cab wasn't a tent
and not sealed as well...I think it was a completely different scenario than what I have now. But I mention it because I don't think
I really experienced any issues with the bags continuing to emit CO2 during lights out.
I wasn't expecting this set-up on the second grow to be overly efficient or more successful at delivering more concentrated CO2...
I think I was wrong.
I have the system set up on a timer and the timer was delivering CO2 from the cooler for 4 minutes, every 3 hours. The four minutes
was based on the premise that it really wasn't "filling up" the cooler with pure CO2 so I wanted to get everything I could out of it
and figured 4 minutes would be enough to completely evacuate the cooler.
Lights out is from 12:30 to 3:30 daily, so CO2 was shooting 30 minutes before lights out (12:00 shot) and shooting again at 3PM,
30 minutes before lights came back on (in the dark period) and I'm hypothesizing that the CO2 I am delivering is more concentrated
than originally thought...which is a good thing as long as I KNOW that....
So, to remove the shots right around and during lights out, I changed the timer schedule to remove those two shots...last pre dark
shot is at 9AM and shot after the dark period is at 4PM. I also shortened the duration of the pump run by 3 minutes...a quarter of
the time I was running the pump.
I also moved the lines to a little higher in the cab, instead of hanging right below the lights.
I did this all last night after getting home from helping a buddy pack out his elk, and I have to say...they look a little
better this morning. I hope I can get this new set-up dialed in before to long.