Rocky Mountain...High
What are your temps like
Low is during lights off - 62º-63º
Usually with lights on, I maintain 79º-86º
What are your temps like
If your soil ph is reading 6.4-6.5 I would feed them at 6.3 and as the medium dries, it will swing up through the sweet spot. Looks like a BIG lack magnesium and iron! If you drop your ph at the roots, it will cause worse lockout. I have to run cal/mag at week 2 and I use 3ml per gallon and go up through flower to 5ml per gallon. With blazing as many watts of led, you might have to up your ml per gallon. Your plants look just like the pics below. Botinacare Cal/mag + iron will get you sorted brother! Do your self a favor Trapper, quit muckin with your ph. The Accurate 8 is spot on. I would hammer them with cal/mag + iron @ 10ml. per gallon then back off to 5ml per the rest of the way as per Botanicare's website for accelerated formula!(The reason I use botanicare is also for the iron!!) Hope this helps.
Trapper did you read Tangs feeding cause he mentioned that calmag gets absorbed at ph 6.6 or higher. I would say calmag issue cause they cant take it with a ph of 6.4-6.4 try to feed them once with 6.7 ph and the calmag.should get better that(at least it did over here since ive started to feed with ph 6.6-6.7)
I agree with Briman, doesn't look like a pH issue.
I'm agreeing with briman, and would look into iron/zinc issues. I had an iron issue around the 30 day mark of my first grow. A chelated iron foliar spray helped with that.
Could it be that they're simply under fed? I don't see any signs of nute burn and the ph and cal/mag seem in check. If it was me I would start to increase the feed on at least one of them to see if it starts to look better. Just my two cents. All the best to you, Trapper! Green vibes your way.
I'm thinking it's niow your medium. I didnt know you mixed happy frog and coco. Next run, do either or, but not both. I would still run it at 6.3 and get some iron an them. Karma your way brother!
Hey Trap, just wanted to send some Growing Karma your way, you'll get this sorted out, no worries brother.
:karma Cloud:
I have no doubt you'll get this issue resolved and behind you in no time. Greatness cannot be denied!