Indoor The Convoy: Short Stuff Boutique Test Grow Rd. 3 +1 - Tha Shiznit/Purple Amnesia/ ASD

If your soil ph is reading 6.4-6.5 I would feed them at 6.3 and as the medium dries, it will swing up through the sweet spot. Looks like a BIG lack magnesium and iron! If you drop your ph at the roots, it will cause worse lockout. I have to run cal/mag at week 2 and I use 3ml per gallon and go up through flower to 5ml per gallon. With blazing as many watts of led, you might have to up your ml per gallon. Your plants look just like the pics below. Botinacare Cal/mag + iron will get you sorted brother! Do your self a favor Trapper, quit muckin with your ph. The Accurate 8 is spot on. I would hammer them with cal/mag + iron @ 10ml. per gallon then back off to 5ml per the rest of the way as per Botanicare's website for accelerated formula!(The reason I use botanicare is also for the iron!!) Hope this helps.

I think Bri is right about Iron but not the Cal/Mag. The soil pH has been spending a lot of time at 6.5 to 6.8...all the while, getting plenty of Cal/Mag.
It's only been in the last week and change that I've been trying to bring it down to get other things in...Iron. :)

Trapper did you read Tangs feeding cause he mentioned that calmag gets absorbed at ph 6.6 or higher. I would say calmag issue cause they cant take it with a ph of 6.4-6.4 try to feed them once with 6.7 ph and the calmag.should get better that(at least it did over here since ive started to feed with ph 6.6-6.7)

It's (they're) at 6.4-6.5 damp. They are getting in range as they dry.

I agree with Briman, doesn't look like a pH issue.

I agree :) I think the pH is in the zone.

I'm agreeing with briman, and would look into iron/zinc issues. I had an iron issue around the 30 day mark of my first grow. A chelated iron foliar spray helped with that.

I wonder if the Flowers Kiss I bought has any iron in it.

Thanks, guys...I appreciate it.

What I don't get is if it's Iron Def. (Which is most definitely the most similar as per Bri's links, Thanks Bri!) why wouldn't my bumping up the molasses have handled it? That's
why I buffered my feeds make sure I swept through Iron's sweet spot too (which is lower than Cal/Mag, I believe...6.3-6.5)

This whole thing has me wondering if these uptake numbers change a little bit when dealing with FF Happy Frog and Coco Loco combined 50/50.

I don't know but it stands to at least "pedestrian" reason that if Coco's sweet spot is...what? 5.6-6.1? Somewhere in there...and soil is 6.1-6.7, maybe
50/50 is somewhere in between???

I'll see if the Flowers Kiss has any iron in it....if it doesn't, I'll roll with the chelated iron foliar...mean time, I'll buffer to 6.2-6.3 and keep pushing molasses
and CaMg. If iron solves, I'll move to the Botanicare Cal/Mag +Iron.

Sound like a plan, guys?
Could it be that they're simply under fed? I don't see any signs of nute burn and the ph and cal/mag seem in check. If it was me I would start to increase the feed on at least one of them to see if it starts to look better. Just my two cents. All the best to you, Trapper! Green vibes your way.
Could it be that they're simply under fed? I don't see any signs of nute burn and the ph and cal/mag seem in check. If it was me I would start to increase the feed on at least one of them to see if it starts to look better. Just my two cents. All the best to you, Trapper! Green vibes your way.

Thanks, gbd. :)

They have been (The Purple Amnesia in particular) identified in other
tester's grows as "light feeders" but I've been giving them Big Bloom (Bat poop and EWCs)
and Grow Big Veg nutes along with the CaMg+ and molasses (They've gotten Equilibrium CaMg a couple times)

I've varied the amounts to see if any change was effected.

The fan leaves were dying at the tips and points of the serrated edges. But they've mostly been pruned.

I don't think they are drastically under fed...although I have been trying to keep it on the light side.
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I'm thinking it's niow your medium. I didnt know you mixed happy frog and coco. Next run, do either or, but not both. I would still run it at 6.3 and get some iron an them. Karma your way brother!
I'm thinking it's niow your medium. I didnt know you mixed happy frog and coco. Next run, do either or, but not both. I would still run it at 6.3 and get some iron an them. Karma your way brother!

We're on the same page there, brother! Although I may just go to a complete TaNg set-up...nutes and medium. IDK.

Thanks, man!

Went ahead and ordered some Liquinox Chelated Iron & Zinc combo for foliar feeds and amending feed solution. :)
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Okay...many, many sources saying "treat 50/50 like a soil grow...pH's and all"...

So, with that in mind, I'm taking the "feed it some more" and the "6.2-6.3 feeds" comments to heart.

PA & Shiz - 1200 ml (roughly 0.32 gallons):

.5 tsp Equilibrium Ca/Mg (1-1-2 with Iron)
.5 tsp molasses
1 tsp Big Bloom
.5 tsp Grow Big

pH'd to 6.2

MysteryX got the same treatment, just at a smaller volume as it
was still damp and obviously not drinking as fast. So, just a little
5hr Energy shot for the X. :)

Let's really see if something is actually locked out or if it's just not enough fuel.

Like a 4BBL carb on a high-performance v-8 where you suck the bowls dry
when opening the secondaries because the fuel pump isn't a high enough psi....

or something like that.....:)
Hey Trap, just wanted to send some Growing Karma your way, you'll get this sorted out, no worries brother.

:karma Cloud:
I have no doubt you'll get this issue resolved and behind you in no time. Greatness cannot be denied!
Hey Trap, just wanted to send some Growing Karma your way, you'll get this sorted out, no worries brother.

:karma Cloud:

Thanks, Free! :)

I have no doubt you'll get this issue resolved and behind you in no time. Greatness cannot be denied!

LOL, TGB :) But luck can be denied... ;) Still a newb and I'm feeling particularly newbie today.

After administering the stronger feed, there is now lush green soaking into the leaves, like dye in wet cotton, expanding from the base
of the leaf where it meets the stem, outward. :)

I'm going to let the progress go a bit before posting pics so as not to jinx it.

We'll see if it continues but those that went with "Friggen feed it, it's obviously hungry!" were the winners! :) (it looks like, initially anyway)

Cheers, Guys!