Indoor The Convoy: Short Stuff Boutique Test Grow Rd. 3 +1 - Tha Shiznit/Purple Amnesia/ ASD

A bit of yellowing, but overall, they look great man! Hows the ph in the soil doing? Tuck tuck tuck those leaves!! Keep Rockin it Trapper!

Ive got the pH down to around 6.4-6.5 unless it's really dry then it bumps back up to 6.7 :)
Sound like you have the perfect swing locked in!! I like what I'm seeing out of these strains from everyone growing them out! Each unique in their different environments. Doing great man!
Have they started showing pretty flowers yet?
Sunday Update:

Bear with me on this one...sorta lengthy :)

Had a good Broncos pulled out a victory and my Fantasy team took down the league leader
(technically, she'd need 37 points from Frank Gore Tomorrow to overtake)

I'm a little miffed at this grow though...and first let me apologize to Jim and Muddy for making a mess of this test gear.

The yellowing of the new growth has continued relatively unabated and I have no idea why. It exhibits in all three plants
now so it has to be something common to all of them (Environmental or soil condition or similar additive issue, etc.)

On both the PA and the Shiz I did some pruning of lower fan leaves that were dying...I wouldn't ordinarily be anxious to
do this per say, but there were some pretty significant secondary limbs underneath that could use the light.

Pics first...I included so LED shots because it offers a different perspective on the coverage of the yellowing.
A very vibrant yellow...not like a "turning crispy" yellow.

PA - Day31:

Shiz - Day30:

MysteryX - Day16:

I've tried a lot of things: (in small amounts and not all at once...;) )

More N for possible Nitro deficiency
More Molasses for possible Iron deficiency
pH'd feeds to 5.8 to sweep through the sixes better and generally bring it down from 6.7/6.8
Gave them 3 hours of darkness in case it was inter veinal chlorosis
Switched Cal/Mags in case the GO CaMg+ was bad
Fed them only CaMg/Molasses
Introduced more Mycos...
Then gave them some Microbe brew
Raised the lights up in case of intensity issues or bleaching.

I'm just not sure what's going on and I'd like to solve it not only for these plants but for the sake
of further grows with this set-up. I'd like to feel like I'm not going to be facing the same issues
again next time.

I've ordered some foliar feed (Flowers Kiss)...I figure I can rule in or rule out pH lockout with

PA pH - 6.4
Shiz pH - 6.5
MysX pH - 6.5

Cheers All! :)
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If your soil ph is reading 6.4-6.5 I would feed them at 6.3 and as the medium dries, it will swing up through the sweet spot. Looks like a BIG lack magnesium and iron! If you drop your ph at the roots, it will cause worse lockout. I have to run cal/mag at week 2 and I use 3ml per gallon and go up through flower to 5ml per gallon. With blazing as many watts of led, you might have to up your ml per gallon. Your plants look just like the pics below. Botinacare Cal/mag + iron will get you sorted brother! Do your self a favor Trapper, quit muckin with your ph. The Accurate 8 is spot on. I would hammer them with cal/mag + iron @ 10ml. per gallon then back off to 5ml per the rest of the way as per Botanicare's website for accelerated formula!(The reason I use botanicare is also for the iron!!) Hope this helps.
Trapper did you read Tangs feeding cause he mentioned that calmag gets absorbed at ph 6.6 or higher. I would say calmag issue cause they cant take it with a ph of 6.4-6.4 try to feed them once with 6.7 ph and the calmag.should get better that(at least it did over here since ive started to feed with ph 6.6-6.7)
I'm agreeing with briman, and would look into iron/zinc issues. I had an iron issue around the 30 day mark of my first grow. A chelated iron foliar spray helped with that.