Indoor The Convoy: Short Stuff Boutique Test Grow Rd. 3 +1 - Tha Shiznit/Purple Amnesia/ ASD

Morning Trap.:Sharing One:
How were your temps overnight?
Our short fall weather as arrived..

Low was 75º overnight in the tent...we'll see what the mid-day "lights out" yields in a couple minutes, but I'm expecting mid-60's.

Little chilly...

We've had frost melting off the roof at first light the last 3 or 4 days now.

EDIT: Just checked - 63º at the end of "lights-out" at 3PM
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Another photo update... :)

The issue with the PA is now obviously holding up growth a bit...Tha Shiznit has passed her up in height and volume even though she's a day younger.

The Shiz is a model of health and I can't tell whether the PA is turning around or not some parts look better some worse and I imagine that's actually
the case. As the soil pH hovers around 6.6-6.7 when moist, it could be the case that iron is getting locked out (I don't know why it wouldn't also effect
the Shiz if that were the case) but I figure it couldn't hurt to run my next few feeds at 5.9 to 6.1 to bring er down just a skosh. Coming down just a bit
in the range, across the board should be a non-issue. :)

The MysteryX is moving along nicely. Sure hope it's a girl! :)


Shiz - Day22:

A side-by-side of Shiz and PA:

PA - Day23:

MysteryX - Day8: (Last night was the first full watering of the entire airpot to run-off...just some CaMg+ and Big Bloom)

Cheers All! :)

"AFN smoke out"
Good afternoon Trap:Sharing One:
Your Shiz is looking great.
The Purple Amnesia is just bizarre.
I think it's a good move your making dropping the ph on next feed.
The one concern I've had regarding coco/soil blends... Where do you run the ph? Like soil or like hydro..
I think the PA is a finicky strain to begin with.
My PA is a serious light feeder. She got burnt tips even on a light feed.
Hopefully the next feed will turn her around.
Misstry X (drag queen name cuz we don't know what it is yet) is looking great compared to her first few days of life.
Sending some lady :karma Cloud:karma your way.
Okay, today was 3 days since last fed (10/2/14 AM) so this time around I fed CaMg, Big Bloom, Molasses (iron/carbs) and a dash of Great White.

The only thing not covered on this pale color of the PA was Iron deficiency...which could very well be the case as Iron uptakes up to 6.4/6.5 but
I've been running the soil right at 6.7 for the most part. So I left today's feed unbuffered which came out to 5.8.

I'm willing to bet that opening the uptake for iron and including extra iron in the molasses is going to bring some color back. :)

Shiz is growing strong but there is some similar discoloration in the newest undergrowth so it may be symptomatic to both plants and the
Shiz just didn't exhibit as soon. We'll see. I'm feeling like Iron deficiency is the right call.
Hey Trap,
What does your accurate 8 say the ph of the mix is?
I'm wondering if your going to have to allow some ph drift to occur due to the blend.
pre-feed the pH's were 6.6/6.7...after lights out I'm going to check wet pH and I hope it's lower...more around 6.4

I WANT drift. I want dry to be 6.5/6.6 and wet to be 6.1/6.2
So the lower pH feed is working...wet pH - PA:6.4 Shiz:6:3 so hopefully that'll let some Fe in. :)
So unless I'm just delusional, I think the PA is coming around. It really slowed down in growth while
I've been dealing with this issue...the Shiz is now much larger than the PA despite being a day younger.

I don't know if it's the same thing but the Shiz began to exhibit this blotchy yellow business on the new
secondary growth...maybe the same thing and far less susceptible to it...(Iron Def.) Maybe a super-cold
little stint overnight...IDK. But the PA seems to be perking up a bit and some of the color returning.

I think some of the yellow is just the lighter nature of brand new growth...but some isn't :(


Purple Amnesia - Day 25:

Size differential now....

The Shiz - Day 24:

And, of course, lil' MysteryX - Day 10:
