The Cold Conditions Thread

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Mornings! :thumbs: :toke: :thumbs:

Yeah.. been checking out this
Thyphoon stuff a bit more, seems to be nice indeed ….
crossed with some strong genes from Wiz´s best !
Auww,do not know much about his strains for cold outdoors - Wiz?! :jump:

Hard selection until F3 … temps about 15 C+ - rainy summers
with strong winds - snails - cops -
Do an "UltimateSnowDeath" test also :
See how long the last survivor in a group can make it in the worst weather,
Use those seeds & repeat the U.S.D !

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I also had a male in a 3 gallon pot that was also sitting on the window sill, again, just to see what would happen. That one hung in until the root ball completely froze. That killed it.

What fascinated me was how flowering was delayed. If flowering is controlled by hormones as I've read, then the cold conditions seem to delay the release of the hormones. So wish I had a green house so I could do some serious experimenting.

Muddy! As soon as conditions allow for testing I will run atrial on his as well...I'm definetly intrigued!
I set up a small grow on a hippy bus for a sick friend using my seeds. Last winter when the temps dropped the plants slowed down to the point they seemed to be in suspended animation, they were unchanged from one week to the next. Don't know exactly what temp it got to in the back of the bus, but it was sub zero outside and didn't feel much warmer inside. After about 2 months of no growth they slowly started again as the temps improved and finally finished almost 20 weeks after starting.
Welcome PlutoPete! :bow: :jump: :bow:
Was it Auto-plants in that bus?

When i think about it - i also have seen this,
sort of; years ago i had a lone LR2 in a bucket
outside... a month or so with temps below 15C+
Yes she just stood there waiting... then a nice autumn
came along.. voila! :thumbs:

(Just checked your album M8...Serious stuff! What is it?)
I live in the south east of Britain at around 51 latitude. I have just started my outdoor grow, I put my first plants out on the 28th of February, I plan to keep planting around 5-8 plants outside every week all the way up until the middle of August. This will mean fresh herb all throughout the summer and up until when ether they decide to stop growing :dance2:

However, so far the ones that I put out on the 28th have done absolutely nothing. No growth what so ever, they are still little seedlings. The temperature has been around 2c-10c and doesn't look to get much warmer until sometime in April. We have had a few frosts (one sharp, at -5.8c). However they havn' t died, they look exactly like they did when I put them out there..

I am hoping like others have said when it warms up they will start to grow.. I think we are starting to see something here.. Auto's won't grow in cold conditions but they won't die either, they just wait for the warmer weather to turn up and then start to grow. Interesting.

Btw, first post! :jump: :dance2:
Is this what your calling the strain? Arctic Suns Dream Its a very cool name.

Where I live...
Alberta, Canada

Elevation: 2,100 feet [640.08 m] above sea level

Lat: 53°32'59" N (or 53.5° N)Long: -113°30'0" W (or -113.5° W)

I have no idea what these numbers mean for growing but its very cold here it would be nice to have a good strain for this climite.
Will be fun watching this delelop.
Hey Wiz !

Would you mind sharing some of your visions
concerning Breeding-material & your own strains ,
in the Cold Project?

Ha ha..just about Anything I have.

ALL of mine our outdoor grown..All of them have been grown more off season than on they are acclimatised to Hard conditions.

90 is pretty short, autos are pretty much your only option!
Since your season is so short..I'm thinking you are right..we should stick to 8-10 weekers..
that way with slight cross can get 2 crops in the time-frame.

Original JEM come down tomorrow...think they would be a good Start point.

I've used her to harden the crosses that proved less hardy..
When I first got the AK-47 and the WR..they had been indoor grown and were a bit soft on the patio..
they are all running Hardy now.

My autos last summer did a similar thing to me. It was just soo cold they stayed in a state of "sleep" until it finally warmed half way through aug.
The full Outdoor ones I have ATM are the same...
they grew very slowly..then they have started to lift as the night temps lifted.

Main thing is..they are robust..and in good health...just slow..
so I will harvest.

Bailer..any chance that you could get the girls up to sex under light before you put them out...
I find if they get to sex Well...they will normally take everything that nature throws at them from there.

norweigan..have you tried that...?

That is where some selection needs to be done, as a few phenos DID continue to grow. Few being the main word there.
Yup..that is Why they need acclimatised...:thumbs:

but Typhoon, Royal Dane, (dane/typhoon) and some other local danish variants have been harvested succsessfully up here
Yup..I am sure I have seen esbe grow Royal Dane off season outdoor...without mold.
He also has some of his own girls that seem quite hardy.
Erd Pert (?) springs to mind.

as well as super cali haze which will be planted as soon as the snow disappears. The others will go outside sometime in may, after germinating and a week in milk cups inside. I'll probably set out some typhoon as well since I got some seeds left.

Great...that will give us an idea how they perform.
I can't make my mind up if you would get better results with a 2 x 8 week girl harvests..
or an amazonian auto that will take up your full 90 day season.

This will give us an idea.
My heart says go for a girl that takes the full season..
But norwegian thinks small and fast..
and I have to bow to his Local knowledge.

Thyphoon stuff a bit more, seems to be nice indeed ….
crossed with some strong genes from Wiz´s best !
Great a bit on Homework goes a Long way.

Do you still post on ICmag norwegian....
just think that esbe grows outdoor on your conditions..
he is known for his generosity..

IF you explained what you wanting to do..
he May be happy to share some.....
get us off to a good start......:thumbs:

Hard selection until F3 … temps about 15 C+ - rainy summers
with strong winds - snails - cops -
Very High winds Torrential rain and Cold are my off-season conditions...
the girls sit out in that no bother..unless they get totally water-logged.

What is your natural soil

Do an "UltimateSnowDeath" test also :
See how long the last survivor in a group can make it in the worst weather,
Survival of the fittest..natural for me.
You have to find out the KILL point..then we can work from there.

I found with the girls I have outdoor now..night temps of around 10 degrees C seemed to be the trigger point for them kicking out of hibernation and going for a growth spurt.
temps about 15 C+
Is this your Summer day temp...what do you hit @ night...?

That one hung in until the root ball completely froze. That killed it.
I love extreme experiments.

In the summer the patio gets up to about 50 degrees C..can't walk across it in bare feet.
The girls are sitting on that in pots and it always makes me wonder how they don't Cook.

What fascinated me was how flowering was delayed. If flowering is controlled by hormones as I've read, then the cold conditions seem to delay the release of the hormones.
I Think the cold their life systems are switched down so low..
the changes happen..
but so is hard to see it happening.

So wish I had a green house so I could do some serious experimenting.
I'll keep my fingers crossed you get makes so much difference.
If conditions really hit the skids is a relief to know that I can bring them indoor.
I set up a small grow on a hippy bus for a sick friend using my seeds. Last winter when the temps dropped the plants slowed down to the point they seemed to be in suspended animation, they were unchanged from one week to the next. Don't know exactly what temp it got to in the back of the bus, but it was sub zero outside and didn't feel much warmer inside. After about 2 months of no growth they slowly started again as the temps improved and finally finished almost 20 weeks after starting.
Yup..same as long as they stay in Good condition...they will start up when conditions are Right...:thumbs:

I am hoping like others have said when it warms up they will start to grow.. I think we are starting to see something here.. Auto's won't grow in cold conditions but they won't die either, they just wait for the warmer weather to turn up and then start to grow. Interesting.
Don't try to feed them until the temps lift..:D
Hi folks! :buds:

"I put my first plants out on the 28th of February"
Now THAT was early! Wow. G´luck mate!

"Is this what your calling the strain? Arctic Suns Dream Its a very cool name."
No strain yet,neither is it mine…
You live high up - what´s average temps in,
say, Juli/August?

Greenhouse… Grenhouse AND safety, Yess thank you! :lol::clap::lol: